Sunday Announcements

1.  Thank you for being a church that functions even when both pastors are on vacation!  A great time of making memories and resting was had and they are glad to be home.....with you. 


2.  Our first ever Freestyle Chili Cookoff is this Sunday - August 25th.  Join us immediately following the service down the street at Hart Park.  You can find more details and to officially enter your chili in our cookoff, please sign-up here.   *Please note that this is a BYO picnic. Everyone can taste the chili, but please bring your own lunch to eat.


3.  We are working hard to make plans and raise the necessary funds to receive David Christensen as our next church intern this September.  Please join us in praying for David, the finances, his employer, and our plans.  More information and to read the proposal can be found here.

Missed our last series on Lies We Believe?  Listen to Mike, Dustin, and Nate as they teach us from God's word.