Posts in Sundays
Sunday Announcements

1.  Thank you for being a church that functions even when both pastors are on vacation!  A great time of making memories and resting was had and they are glad to be home.....with you. 


2.  Our first ever Freestyle Chili Cookoff is this Sunday - August 25th.  Join us immediately following the service down the street at Hart Park.  You can find more details and to officially enter your chili in our cookoff, please sign-up here.   *Please note that this is a BYO picnic. Everyone can taste the chili, but please bring your own lunch to eat.


3.  We are working hard to make plans and raise the necessary funds to receive David Christensen as our next church intern this September.  Please join us in praying for David, the finances, his employer, and our plans.  More information and to read the proposal can be found here.

Missed our last series on Lies We Believe?  Listen to Mike, Dustin, and Nate as they teach us from God's word.   



Sunday Songs 8-11-2013
Our corporate singing has two directions: toward God (Ps. 47:6) and toward one another (Col. 3:16). We sing to God in response to His marvelous grace. We sing to tell others of this grace that they might be encouraged. Come ready to sing this Sunday!
  1. Greater Than We Can Imagine
  2. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) 
  3. Jesus Messiah
  4. Completely Done
  5. How Great is Our God
  6. Beautiful One

SundaysDustin Smetona
Sunday Songs 8-4-2013

When the church gathers, we sing. By singing to God as a group of redeemed souls, we are participating in an ancient act - one which God's people have always done. May our joy be full this Sunday as we lift up our voices!

  1. Blessed Be Your Name
  2. Jesus Paid It All
  3. I Will Cast My Cares
  4. How Deep the Father's Love for Us
  5. Your Words of Life
  6. How Great is Your Faithfulness

SundaysDustin Smetona
Recap of Sunday

1.  Pastor Eric and family will be on vacation (please pray for safe travels and great memories to be made).  While he is away, we will be take a brief hiatus from our current study in Revelation.  Pastor Mike, our intern Dustin and multi-talented Nate Adam will be preaching a mini-series entitled "Lies We Believe".   Please keep these men in prayer as they study and encourage us in God's word.


2.  Theology on Tap - This is a once a month men's discussion group where guys talk like guys about God.  Open enrollment begins this week as they are looking for men to make a six month commitment to do some light homework and meet regularly this fall. If you are 18 or old and a regular attender at our church, please join us!


3.  Ladies - We would love to see someone organize a group for the ladies of our church to discuss Biblical topics.    We need just one woman to lead and a few to commit.  Lucas Enge and Pastor Eric will do everything possible to help get these regular meetings started! 


4.  We formally proposed our second-ever church intern - David Christensen!  He is a great asset to our church and we believe he is ready to start pursuing more formal training and evaluation for service in full time ministry.  Please check out the proposal and pray as we seek to invest in the lives of future leaders.  


Listen again as we learned about the 5th and 6th trumpet from Revelation 9:1-21. 

SundaysChurch Staff
Lies We Believe

This August we break from our sermons through the Book of Revelation to address three lies our culture promotes.

"It takes one to know one." 

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." 

"Fight fire with fire. "

Join us as Pastor Mike, Intern Dustin, and Superhero Nate Adam preach the truth for our joy and God's glory.

SundaysChurch Staff
Emily's Testimony

Emily shared this past Sunday... 

At the beginning of the summer, I had the opportunity to travel to Swaziland, a tiny country located inside of South Africa, as a member of a team from Gordon College. We spent a month serving in the village of Bulembu.


Bulembu was a mining town that produced asbestos until health concerns lessened the demand and the town was abandoned. About ten years ago, a christian organization purchased the land with the intent of developing it into a self-sustaining community by the year 2020. They plan to do this through the production of various commodities like bottled water, milk, honey, and lumber, and the education and training of a new generation of Swazi leaders. 

Our team was able to participate in this vision by assisting with a number of work projects, including painting curbs and walls around the town, renovating a baby home, and readying old houses for repairs. We also spent time with the kids at school, helping out with after-school clubs and sports, and visited their families homes in the evenings.

What most surprised me most.

The joy and richness we found in the simplicity of the Swazi lifestyle. With no access to TV or internet, we engaged fully in our surroundings and quickly formed friendships with in the community and amongst the team. The lack of distractions let us see things we would normally otherwise miss.

We saw was God’s grace everywhere.

As a team, we experienced an uncommon closeness and spent the entire month together with little to no conflict whatsoever. It was grace that gave us strength to look past each other’s faults, give more of ourselves than we would have thought possible, and persevere even when we faced mental and physical challenges. Several times during evening debriefs, a teammate commented that it was another teammate’s cheerfulness that kept him from complaining during the long hours of work – often to that teammate’s surprise.

“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1 Corinthians 1:26-27 ESV)

We don’t have to be talented or strong or brilliant to be used by God. We just have to be willing.


Sunday School

Theology is Doxology or it is Nothing at all.
Ethelbert Stauffer

What we know about God shapes our celebration of God. This is why every Sunday at 10am, we host Sunday school for adults. We engage our intellects in order to ignite our hearts. 

If you've never joined us, please consider coming out this Sunday. We are going through a systematic study of the Christian faith using the New City Catechism.  This week, we address Question 23Why must the Redeemer be truly God?  Come participate in great discussion with great company.


SundaysDustin Smetona