Recap of Sunday

1.  Pastor Eric and family will be on vacation (please pray for safe travels and great memories to be made).  While he is away, we will be take a brief hiatus from our current study in Revelation.  Pastor Mike, our intern Dustin and multi-talented Nate Adam will be preaching a mini-series entitled "Lies We Believe".   Please keep these men in prayer as they study and encourage us in God's word.


2.  Theology on Tap - This is a once a month men's discussion group where guys talk like guys about God.  Open enrollment begins this week as they are looking for men to make a six month commitment to do some light homework and meet regularly this fall. If you are 18 or old and a regular attender at our church, please join us!


3.  Ladies - We would love to see someone organize a group for the ladies of our church to discuss Biblical topics.    We need just one woman to lead and a few to commit.  Lucas Enge and Pastor Eric will do everything possible to help get these regular meetings started! 


4.  We formally proposed our second-ever church intern - David Christensen!  He is a great asset to our church and we believe he is ready to start pursuing more formal training and evaluation for service in full time ministry.  Please check out the proposal and pray as we seek to invest in the lives of future leaders.  


Listen again as we learned about the 5th and 6th trumpet from Revelation 9:1-21. 

SundaysChurch Staff