Posts tagged leaders
Dylan's Internship Begins

We Train Leaders

At our membership meeting in June, the pastors announced an internship proposal for Dylan. He has accepted and his first day is September 1st. 

How can you be involved?

  1. Thank God for Dylan. When you give thanks to God, thank him in particular for Dylan's life. Dylan is already doing a ton: leading a small group, teaching Sunday School, participating in our liturgy, and serving on our audio team. He is having an effect on all of us. This is God's doing and it makes us glad.
  2. Encourage Dylan. As you see him leading and serving, tell him about the impact he is having on your life and the lives of others. Where you see growth, share it with him.
  3. Pray for Dylan. He is making many additional sacrifices to serve us as an intern. Pray that God would give him strength as he serves. Pray that Dylan would grow. Pray that God would bless and prosper his marriage as he gives more of his time to the church.
We Love Servant-Leaders

Servants Who Lead

Leaders Who Serve

This past Sunday, we treated the small group leaders and ministry leaders of Sovereign Grace Church to an afternoon of free coffee and dangerous sports (check the pics!). It was a small way to say "thank you!" for the many selfless ways they serve us.

Make sure to thank God for them.