Annual Communion Service
This Sunday, March 8th, 2020
Our annual Communion Service is this Sunday. We do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. You get 7 extra hours of sleep. Our morning service is canceled and we gather in the evening for a feast punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.
4 Reasons to Eagerly Participate
1. A helpful focus on a regular practice. We take communion on Sundays more often than not. That regularity can dim its significance. Highlighting it for one evening reminds us what a privilege it is to partake.
2. An opportunity to make new friends. You’ll have an opportunity to sit with people you may not know. You’ll have time to hear their story and share yours. It’s a simple but wonderful way to love your neighbors.
3. It’s good for your soul. God feeds us at the communion table. He has given us the Lord’s Supper as a means of grace to nourish our souls.
4. It only works if you’re there. The church is the people of God. Our meetings only work if you’re there. Though this requires a schedule change on your Sunday, do all you can to be there with us.
The meal is a potluck. Everyone is contributing. Find out what to bring here and email the church office with any questions.
For those of you wondering about sharing germs, we’ll be drinking from individual cups and our bread will be pre-cut.