Our Annual Communion Feast

His body broken
His blood poured out

Join us for our annual Communion Service. We do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. Our morning service is canceled and we gather in the evening for a feast punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

March 10th


This is a family-style meal which means controlled chaos. Kids will be running around. Volunteers will be serving food. And that's ok.

It's an opportunity to make new friends. Plan to sit with people you don't know well or don't know at all.

You Are Helping Us Make the Meal

The church will provide the main dish. Members and regular attenders contribute the following:

  • Households of 1 or 2 people bring a vegetable side or salad.

  • Households of 3 bring mashed potatoes.

  • Households of 4 or more brings mashed potatoes and a dessert.

*Your household is the number of people who will be eating the meal. No need to count infants.

Email the church office if you have any questions.