Posts tagged communion
Communion Service FAQs

We celebrate the sacrifice of Christ as a family

This Sunday we host our 5th annual Communion Service (see photos from previous years). We gather for a huge banquet-style meal punctuated by moments of reflection on the broken body and shed blood of our Savior. It’s the privilege of those who have been welcomed into the family of God through the sacrifice of his only begotten Son.


Our Sunday morning service is canceled. The Communion Service begins at 5:00pm at our normal meeting place, the Woman's Club of Orange. Everyone contributes. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we get asked:

What can I bring?

  • Households of 1 or 2, bring a side.

  • Households of 3 or 4, bring an entree.

  • Households of 5 or more, bring a side and an entree.

  • We’re looking for volunteers to provide dessert. If you want to bring something sweet to share, then please do!

I have a baby/toddler. Does my household count as a 3 person household? 

If you expect your child to eat the food we are sharing, count them. If not, or not really, err on the side of the smaller household number.

Will there be childcare?

Not this Sunday. Family-style means everybody will be together the entire time. Think Thanksgiving dinner. Kids will get antsy and that's ok. Don't feel bad about getting up and down from your seat with your children.

How can I keep my dish warm? 

If you bring your food in a crockpot, you will be able to plug it in at the buffet table. 

I have special dietary needs. Will there be food for me to eat? 

This is a potluck, everyone is contributing. Your best bet is to bring something you know you can eat.

Are guests and regular attenders welcome?

Yes, please join us!

Is there anything else I can do to help?

Yes, please. Contact Kara for instructions. 

Not A Normal Sunday

Annual Communion Service
This Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Our annual Communion Service is this Sunday. We do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. You get 7 extra hours of sleep. Our morning service is canceled and we gather in the evening for a feast punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

4 Reasons to Eagerly Participate

1. A helpful focus on a regular practice. We take communion on Sundays more often than not. That regularity can dim its significance. Highlighting it for one evening reminds us what a privilege it is to partake.

2. An opportunity to make new friends. You’ll have an opportunity to sit with people you may not know. You’ll have time to hear their story and share yours. It’s a simple but wonderful way to love your neighbors.

3. It’s good for your soul. God feeds us at the communion table. He has given us the Lord’s Supper as a means of grace to nourish our souls.

4. It only works if you’re there. The church is the people of God. Our meetings only work if you’re there. Though this requires a schedule change on your Sunday, do all you can to be there with us.

The meal is a potluck. Everyone is contributing. Find out what to bring here and email the church office with any questions.

For those of you wondering about sharing germs, we’ll be drinking from individual cups and our bread will be pre-cut.

Communion Service FAQs

We celebrate the sacrifice of Christ as a family

Next Sunday, 3/8/2020, marks our 5th annual Communion Service (see photos from previous years). We gather for a huge banquet-style meal punctuated by moments of reflection on the broken body and shed blood of our Savior. It’s the privilege of those who have been welcomed into the family of God through the sacrifice of his only begotten Son.


Our Sunday morning service is canceled. The Communion Service begins at 5:00pm at our normal meeting place, the Woman's Club of Orange. Everyone contributes. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we get asked:

What can I bring?

  • Households of 1 or 2, bring a side.

  • Households of 3 or 4, bring an entree.

  • Households of 5 or more, bring a side and an entree.

  • We’re looking for volunteers to provide dessert. If you want to bring something sweet to share, then please do!

I have a baby/toddler. Does my household count as a 3 person household? 

If you expect your child to eat the food we are sharing, count them. If not, or not really, err on the side of the smaller household number.

Will there be childcare?

Not this Sunday. Family-style means everybody will be together the entire time. Think Thanksgiving dinner. Kids will get antsy and that's ok. Don't feel bad about getting up and down from your seat with your children.

How can I keep my dish warm? 

If you bring your food in a crockpot, you will be able to plug it in at the buffet table. 

I have special dietary needs. Will there be food for me to eat? 

This is a potluck, everyone is contributing. Your best bet is to bring something you know you can eat.

Are guests and regular attenders welcome?

Yes, please join us!

Is there anything else I can do to help?

Yes, please. Contact Kara for instructions. 

Don't Skip The Communion Service

March 8th, 2020

Our annual Communion Service is two weeks away. We do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. Our morning service is canceled and we gather in the evening for a feast punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

4 Reasons to be excited about the communion service

1. A helpful focus on a regular practice. We take communion on Sundays more often than not. That regularity can dim its significance. Highlighting it for one evening reminds us what a privilege it is to partake.

2. An opportunity to make new friends. You’ll have an opportunity to sit with people you may not know. You’ll have time to hear their story and share yours. It’s a simple but wonderful way to love your neighbors.

3. It’s good for your soul. God feeds us at the communion table. He has given us the Lord’s Supper as a means of grace to nourish our souls.

4. It only works if you’re there. The church is the people of God. Any of our meetings are only effective when we all come together. Though this disrupts our normal rhythm of Sunday mornings, do all you can to be there with us.

The meal is a potluck. Everyone is contributing. Find out what to bring here and email the church office with any questions.

What Are You Bringing?

Our annual Communion Service is almost here. We do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. Our morning service is canceled and we gather in the evening for a feast punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

March 8th, 2020


This is a family-style meal which means controlled chaos. Kids will be running around. People will be up and about. And that's ok.

It's an opportunity to make new friends. Plan to sit with people you don't know well or don't know at all.

It’s a potluck.

Here’s what we need you to bring:

  • Households of 1 or 2, bring a side.

  • Households of 3 or 4, bring an entree.

  • Households of 5 or more, bring a side and an entree.

  • Dessert is voluntary. If you want to bring something sweet to share, then please do!

*Your household is the number of people who will be eating the meal. No need to count infants.

Email the church office if you have any questions.

Our Annual Communion Feast

His body broken
His blood poured out

Join us for our annual Communion Service. We do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. Our morning service is canceled and we gather in the evening for a feast punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

March 8th, 2020


This is a family-style meal which means controlled chaos. Kids will be running around. People will be up and about. And that's ok.

It's an opportunity to make new friends. Plan to sit with people you don't know well or don't know at all.

We are all providing the meal.

Here’s what we need you to bring:

  • Households of 1 or 2, bring a side.

  • Households of 3 or 4, bring an entree.

  • Households of 5 or more, bring a side and an entree.

  • We’re looking for volunteers to bring dessert. If you want to bring something sweet to share, then please do.

*Your household is the number of people who will be eating the meal. No need to count infants.

Email the church office if you have any questions.

Communion Service FAQs

We celebrate the sacrifice of Christ as a family

This Sunday marks our 4th annual Communion Service (see photos from previous years). We gather for a huge banquet-style meal punctuated by moments of reflection on the broken body and shed blood of our Savior. It’s the privilege of those who have been welcomed into the family of God through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.


Our Sunday morning service is canceled. The Communion Service begins at 5pm at our normal meeting place, the Woman's Club of Orange. Everyone contributes. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we get asked:

What can I bring?

  • Households of 1 or 2 people bring a vegetable side or salad.

  • Households of 3 bring mashed potatoes.

  • Households of 4 or more brings mashed potatoes and a dessert.

Will there be childcare?

Not this Sunday. Family-style means everybody will be together the entire time. Kids will get antsy and that's ok. Don't feel bad about getting up and down from your seat with your children.

I have a baby/toddler. Does my household count as a 3 person household? 

If you expect your child to eat the food we are sharing, count them. If not, or not really, err on the side of the smaller household number.

How can I keep my dish warm? 

If you bring your food in a crockpot, you will be able to plug it in at the table. 

I have special dietary needs. What is the main dish? 

The main dish is chicken marinated in olive oil and spices. No gluten, no soy ingredients, and no sugar. 

I have special dietary needs. Can I sit by food I am able to eat?

You can sit anywhere you like. If you don't find a place where you can fill your plate with enough food that fits your diet, please feel free to check other tables.

Are guests and regular attenders welcome?

Yes, please join us!

I am not sure if I/my children should participate in the Lord's Supper. What should I do? 

Anyone who has placed their trust in Christ is invited to join us. Please read our statement on communion for more information.  We welcome you to contact one of our pastors if you would like to discuss further.

Is there anything else I can do to help?

Yes, please. Contact Anne for instructions. 

Our Annual Communion Feast

His body broken
His blood poured out

Join us for our annual Communion Service. We do this once a year on Daylight Savings Sunday. Our morning service is canceled and we gather in the evening for a feast punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

March 10th


This is a family-style meal which means controlled chaos. Kids will be running around. Volunteers will be serving food. And that's ok.

It's an opportunity to make new friends. Plan to sit with people you don't know well or don't know at all.

You Are Helping Us Make the Meal

The church will provide the main dish. Members and regular attenders contribute the following:

  • Households of 1 or 2 people bring a vegetable side or salad.

  • Households of 3 bring mashed potatoes.

  • Households of 4 or more brings mashed potatoes and a dessert.

*Your household is the number of people who will be eating the meal. No need to count infants.

Email the church office if you have any questions.