4 Reasons Why We Appreciate Our Pastors

It’s pastor APPRECIATIOn month

We took a moment to honor our pastors last Sunday. We’re grateful for all they do, and respect them for their work (1 Thess 5:12-13). That said, we want to continue to encouragement them. Here’s 4 reasons why we appreciate our pastors:

  1. They care for us. Our pastors constantly sacrife their own desires and put the church first. They do all they can to keep watch over our souls (Heb 13:17).

  2. They preach and teach the gospel. Our pastors labor to proclaim the gospel week after week (1 Tim 5:17). We’re confident we’re hearing good doctrine.

  3. They lead well. In the ups and downs and in mission and ministry, our pastors skillfully lead our church. They want the best for us and our community.

  4. Their hearts are full of joy. Regardless of what is going on, our pastors remain joyful. Their happiness in Christ is evident.

Simply put, we love our pastors. Let’s continue to encourage and pray for them.

LatestAndrew Maples
Whose Gospel Have We Been Preaching?

Galatians 1:11-24

We’ve preached hundreds of sermons since our church began. And each sermon has had the same message. We preach the death and resurrection of Christ. However, many people offer competing claims about what the message of Christianity really is. Pastor Eric gives us three observations that help us see that this message is a revelation from God himself.

LatestAndrew Maples
Members Meeting Minutes

Enjoying the Benefits and Privileges of SGC Orange

Our Members Meeting was last Sunday. Here’s what we talked about:

  • Member Roll. We discussed people joining the church, leaving the church, and how to use this list as a prayer list for one another.

  • Finances. Deacon Dave gave us a financial overview and the possibility of future investments.

  • Deacon Nominations. Bob Gnewuch and Zac Davis were nominated for diaconate ministry, and we need your input. Give us your feedback here.

  • Prophecy. We’re exhorting the entire church to listen and watch for the Spirit’s leadings and promptings. Prophecy builds up the church, so we want it to be present in our church (1 Cor 14:1-5).

If you were unable to attend, contact the church office for all the notes.

LatestAndrew Maples
How Can I Get Involved in the Church?

Start Tomorrow (11/16) at Small Group

If you’re looking to get plugged in or play a bigger part in the church, our small groups are the place to start. We’re all about relationships. While each group is unique, you can always expect there to be care, counseling, prayer, and lots of fun. It’s a safe place to open up and get to know others. We invite you to visit as many groups as you need in order to find the one that fits you best.

LatestAndrew Maples
We've Nominated New Deacons

You Have A Part To Play In The Process

The Pastoral Team has nominated Bob Gnewuch and Zac Davis for diaconate ministry. These men love our church and have faithfully served us for years. We’re blessed to have them, and we believe they are qualified for this ministry.

This is where you come in. Appointing deacons involves the pastors and the church. We want your feedback regarding the nomination of these men. If you’re a church member, click the button below, fill out the form, and help us out. You’ll find all the details there.

LatestAndrew Maples
Members Meeting This Sunday

Immediately Following the Service

If you’re a member or consider us your home church, plan to stay with us for about an hour after the service. Pack a lunch or partake in our famous Buck-O-Slice Pizza. We’ve got some important updates you don’t want to miss.

LatestAndrew Maples
Here's What's Been Happening at the Grove

Your October Updates

It’s an exciting time to be in the Grove. We’ve done a lot in the past month. From the ten commandments to the tabernacle, we’ve been following the Israelites after their escape from Egypt. The Israelites were a sinful people that needed saving. This has given us lots of opportunities to talk to our kids about Jesus—and that’s an opportunity we don’t want to miss! To that end, we’ve been sure to include plenty of talking points in our weekly newsletters. Be sure and check them out!

As the holiday season approaches this month, we’ve got even more fun stuff planned. Thanksgiving and Christmas give us a unique time to teach our kids and enjoy some special holiday events. For instance, here’s a great family devotional for thanksgiving. As usual, we’ll also have our monthly memory verse challenge. You can find the verses here.

It’s a joy to be with your kids each week. We look forward to another fun month in the Grove!

LatestAndrew Maples
We're Singing a New Song This Sunday

Check Out the Lyrics and Video Below

Jesus died for us in order that we might glorify God for his mercy (Romans 15:8-9). This Sunday, that’s exactly what we are going to do. Come ready to sing this song and marvel at God’s mercy.

Verse 1
Jesus, Your mercy is all my plea
I have no defense, my guilt runs too deep
The best of my works pierced Your hands and Your feet
Jesus, Your mercy is all my plea

Verse 2
Jesus, Your mercy is all my boast
The goodness I claim, the grounds of my hope
Whatever I lack it’s still what I need most
Jesus, Your mercy is all my boast

Praise the King who bore my sin
Took my place when I stood condemned
Oh how good You’ve always been to me
I will sing of Your mercy

Verse 3
Jesus, Your mercy is all my rest
When fears weigh me down and enemies press
A comfort I cling to in life and in death
Jesus Your mercy is all my rest

Verse 4
Jesus, your mercy is all my joy
Forever I’ll lift my heart and my voice
To sing of a treasure no pow’r can destroy
Jesus, your mercy is all my joy

LatestAndrew Maples