Abide in God's Love

Our Joy is Found Here

We’re all prone to wonder from God’s love. How do we correct this tendency? We must abide in God’s love. Pastor Dustin preaches from John 15:9 and encourages us to remain in this love. Only here do we know and experience the fullness of God.

LatestAndrew Maples
Evening at the Park is Canceled

We’ll Be Back Next Thursday (11/17)

Due to the rain, we will NOT be at the park this evening. But don’t worry. We’ve already rescheduled. Plan to meet us next Thursday evening at 6:30pm. We’ll see you and the whole family then.

LatestAndrew Maples
We're Making a Difference and You Can Too

Join Our Mission at the House of Hope

Great things are happening at the House of Hope. We’re building relationships, cooking food, playing games, and proclaiming the love of Christ. And you can be a part of the mission too. All you need to do is sign up below and come see all that the Lord is doing.

Because of the holidays, we’re doing things a bit differently this month. Please note that we will be at the House of Hope on Wednesday 11/9 and Wednesday 11/30. Click the button for all the details.

LatestAndrew Maples
Experience the Pastor's Conference at Home

Listen to the Messages and Lectures Below

Our leaders came together to give us the best they’ve got, and we’ve got all the recordings. These messages will serve your soul. Whether you sit down and watch, play it in the background, or turn it on in the car, we highly encourage you to make time and listen.

LatestAndrew Maples
Make Plans for our Member Meeting

After the Service on Sunday, November 13th

Be sure to mark your calendars for November 13th. If you’re a member or consider us your home church, plan to stay with us for about an hour after the service. Pack a lunch or partake in our Buck-O-Slice Pizza. We’ve got some important updates you don’t want to miss.

LatestAndrew Maples
See What God is Doing Around the World

Updates From Sovereign Grace Missions

Each month, we like to highlight what God is doing through our partner churches. These stories are proof that God is living and active. Take a minute to click the button and read. From Bolivia to Ethiopia to Brazil, you’ll read about church plants, emerging leaders, and changing lives across the world. Let their example inspire you, strengthen your faith, and remind you to pray for our partners.

LatestAndrew Maples
We'll Be at the Park This Tuesday

Make Plans to Bring the Whole Family (11/8)

We’ve got it all Tuesday evening. Of course, we’ll be playing basketball. But we’ll also have plenty for the whole family. There’s a playground near by, and we’ll have a few games and snacks for the kids. Here’s the details:

  • Meet at El Camino Real Park (400 N Main St 92868)

  • 6:30-8:30pm

  • Open invite

Come and go as you please. Bring whatever you need for the night. And invite your neighbor! It’s a great opportunity for outreach. We hope to see you there.

LatestAndrew Maples