4 Reasons Why We Appreciate Our Pastors

It’s pastor APPRECIATIOn month

We took a moment to honor our pastors last Sunday. We’re grateful for all they do, and respect them for their work (1 Thess 5:12-13). That said, we want to continue to encouragement them. Here’s 4 reasons why we appreciate our pastors:

  1. They care for us. Our pastors constantly sacrife their own desires and put the church first. They do all they can to keep watch over our souls (Heb 13:17).

  2. They preach and teach the gospel. Our pastors labor to proclaim the gospel week after week (1 Tim 5:17). We’re confident we’re hearing good doctrine.

  3. They lead well. In the ups and downs and in mission and ministry, our pastors skillfully lead our church. They want the best for us and our community.

  4. Their hearts are full of joy. Regardless of what is going on, our pastors remain joyful. Their happiness in Christ is evident.

Simply put, we love our pastors. Let’s continue to encourage and pray for them.

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