No Meeting at the Women's Club This Sunday

Not Coming With Us? We’ve Still Got Something For You

This Sunday, we’ll be together in the mountains for Celebration 2022. That said, we will not be meeting at the Women’s Club this Sunday. We’ll miss our friends who aren’t able to join us, and we want to make sure that you’re still covered for Sunday. We encourage you to make a point to spend time with the Lord. If you’re looking for ways to worship, turn on the songs we’ll be singing at Celebration. If you want to get in the Word, pick a sermon. To dive deeper into what we believe, check out our resources page. Whatever it is, take a moment and come before the Lord. We’ll be back to normal next week.

LatestAndrew Maples
Our Mess is God's Masterpiece

Learning to Trust God in Adversity

Sometimes, we can feel like our life is a mess. It may seem like the odds are stacked against us. In fact, our friends in Acts 12:1-25 could relate. Pastor Dustin helpfully walks through Acts 12 to teach us an important lesson from these early disciples: our mess is God’s masterpiece. Regardless of what the situation looks like, God’s plan is always playing out. This chapter helps us see what God is doing even when it gets messy.

LatestAndrew Maples
Christianity 101

Have Questions? We’re Here to Help

Start telling your friends! Christianity 101 is a 4-week introductory course about the Christian faith. We’ll show you how the Bible makes sense of our existence and deepest questions by walking through the BIble’s storyline. It’s a safe, casual setting to ask questions and learn about Christianity. Here’s the details:

Every Thursday this October
Open Invitaiton
Woman's Club of Orange
121 S Center St, Orange, CA 92866

As we’ve mentioned before, church members are welcome to attend. However, we want our members to make a point to invite unbelievers. Tell your neighbors, send a link to your co-workers, text your friends, offer to come with them—we need you to get the word out! Don’t miss this opportunity to share about the hope that we have. More details and registration below.

LatestAndrew Maples
Songs For Celebration 2022

3 Churches With One Voice

Of all the blessings we anticipate at Celebration 2022, we expect the singing to be a big one. It thrills and strengthens our souls to hear other saints singing to the same Savior as us. That happens every Sunday. But it will be even more special to sing with two other churches.

We’ve got your playlist for the drive up the mountain

We’ve put together a Spotify playlist with all the songs our worship team will be drawing from this weekend. There are even a few new ones. So put this on and sing through the songs while you’re driving. It’ll be the perfect preparation for your heart and your vocal cords.

We’ll see you and sing with you in Idyllwild!

LatestChurch Staff
It's Finally Here!

Celebration 2022 This Weekend

The wait is finally over. Celebration 2022 is here. Begin planning, start packing, and get excited. As we prepare for the weekend, we invite you to pray with us. Specifically, you can pray for the following:

  • Ask God to deepen the relationships within our church and among our sister churches.

  • Ask God to bless us and change us as we sing and study together.

  • Ask God to use the Celebration Kids volunteers and curriculum to teach our children about Jesus.

We believe the Lord will meet us at Celebration. We’re expecting good things, and we’re excited that we get to experience it together. If you need a welcome packet, you can find it here. As a reminder, we will not have a Sunday meeting at the Women’s Club on 10/2.

LatestAndrew Maples
News from the Grove

Pre-Check and Memory Verse Sunday

We wanted to save you time and give you more opportunities to talk with others. To do that, we introduced our pre-check system last Sunday. From now on, you’ll notice a table in the lobby where you can register your kids before the service begins. A Greeter will be there to help and answer any questions. Have a busy morning and didn’t get to register your kids before the service? No problem. You can always check them in like normal at the mid-service break.

Also, don’t forget about the memory verse this Sunday! At the end of each month, all the children in our Roots class have a chance to recite that month’s Bible verse from memory. Each child that knows the verse gets a prize! Here’s the verse for Sunday:

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

Our hope is that our children learn to treasure and hide God’s Word in their hearts at an early age (Prov 22:6). This is an easy way to do that. Our verse for October will be Proverbs 3:5. You can find the memory verse schedule here.

LatestAndrew Maples
Picnic in the Plaza this Sunday

Plan on a Picnic After Church

Join us this Sunday for our Picnic in the Plaza. Immediately after the service, head down to the Plaza for food and fellowship. Feel free to pack or pick up your lunch and bring a blanket, chair, or whatever else you’ll need. For those who don’t want to bring a lunch, we’ll have our famous Buck-O-Slice Pizza. If you’re our guest, lunch is on us! We’ll see you Sunday.

LatestAndrew Maples