Christianity 101

Have Questions? We’re Here to Help

Start telling your friends! Christianity 101 is a 4-week introductory course about the Christian faith. We’ll show you how the Bible makes sense of our existence and deepest questions by walking through the BIble’s storyline. It’s a safe, casual setting to ask questions and learn about Christianity. Here’s the details:

Every Thursday this October
Open Invitaiton
Woman's Club of Orange
121 S Center St, Orange, CA 92866

As we’ve mentioned before, church members are welcome to attend. However, we want our members to make a point to invite unbelievers. Tell your neighbors, send a link to your co-workers, text your friends, offer to come with them—we need you to get the word out! Don’t miss this opportunity to share about the hope that we have. More details and registration below.

LatestAndrew Maples