News from the Grove

Pre-Check and Memory Verse Sunday

We wanted to save you time and give you more opportunities to talk with others. To do that, we introduced our pre-check system last Sunday. From now on, you’ll notice a table in the lobby where you can register your kids before the service begins. A Greeter will be there to help and answer any questions. Have a busy morning and didn’t get to register your kids before the service? No problem. You can always check them in like normal at the mid-service break.

Also, don’t forget about the memory verse this Sunday! At the end of each month, all the children in our Roots class have a chance to recite that month’s Bible verse from memory. Each child that knows the verse gets a prize! Here’s the verse for Sunday:

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

Our hope is that our children learn to treasure and hide God’s Word in their hearts at an early age (Prov 22:6). This is an easy way to do that. Our verse for October will be Proverbs 3:5. You can find the memory verse schedule here.

LatestAndrew Maples