Class of 2022

Congratulations to All 2022 Graduates!

We’re excited to celebrate with all our high school and college graduates. We realize that graduation is a big milestone. It’s brought about through a lot of time and hard work, and it begins a new chapter in life. That said, we want to take this occasion to thank God for his faithfulness and pray for our graduates.

On Sunday, June 12th, we’re planning to recognize our graduates. We want to celebrate with you, pray for you, and give you a gift. If you or someone in your household is graduating, please contact the church office and let us know. We look forward to celebrating together.

LatestAndrew Maples
Who's Your One for June?

What’s Wrong With Us?

We’re nearly halfway through our year-long evangelism campaign. Last month, we considered how sharing our testimony fits into sharing the gospel. This month, let’s think about how we should talk to unbelievers about sin.

It’s impossible for somebody to embrace Jesus as their Savior if they don’t have an accurate view of the problem and the consequences of sin. Sin is our biggest problem and Jesus is God’s gracious solution. But if a person doesn’t see the problem, they won’t seek the answer. That’s why a big part of our evangelism involves teaching and persuading about the problem of sin. We aim to do this gently, clearly, and skillfully while remembering that true conviction comes only by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How do we talk about sin in a world that assumes most people are inherently good? There’s a sense in which the idea of sin is unpopular. However, we can rest assured that the average unbeliever has a strong sense of right and wrong. What are they most upset or outraged by in the world? What regrets do they have from their past? Where do they feel like they’ve failed recently?

By getting to the bottom of those kinds of questions, we can begin to show them how the deeper problem stems from their sin against God. They’ve worshiped something besides him. The worst part isn’t that they have regrets or dissatisfaction; they’ve rebelled against God. Yet, he stands ready to forgive and restore them if they will put their trust in His Son.

Next Steps

  1. Decide who your “one” is for June and prepare to share about them with your small group. If you didn’t share the gospel with your “one” from last month, feel free to pick them and try again!

  2. Think about the moral compass of your “one.” What are they passionate about? What causes do they care about? What injustices do they see in the world? What personal regrets weigh on their hearts? Think through these before you meet with your small group and come ready to share. Ask your small group how you might talk to them about their personal problem with sin and how Christ is the answer.

  3. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.

May God give us wisdom to talk about sin in a way that leads our neighbors to our Savior.

LatestChurch Staff
Youth Meeting This Thursday

Controversial Convictions

All Christians should be men and women of biblical convictions. However, we often find ourselves at odds with cultural convictions. When biblical beliefs are challenged, we must be able to articulate our convictions with clarity and grace.

All junior and senior high students are invited to join Pastor Eric as he leads the youth through these difficult challenges. We’ll discuss specific Christian beliefs and why we believe them. Here are the details:

LatestAndrew Maples
The Risk is Right

Progress and Opposition for the Early Church

Last Sunday, Pastor Dustin preached from Acts 5:12-42. We see the early church experience encouraging progress and increasing opposition. This summarizes the Christian life. God’s Kingdom will grow, but there will always be those who oppose his reign. However, we shouldn’t be afraid to suffer. We are exhorted to obey God rather than men and remember that suffering for our faithfulness is actually success.

Listen to the sermon here.

LatestAndrew Maples
Picnic in the Plaza

Engaging One Another and Our Community

Make plans to spend your early Sunday afternoon with us. Directly after our Sunday service, we are all going right down the road to Plaza Square Park. This is a simple moment of unhurried time together, and a chance to get to know one another and our neighbors. Bring your lunch, buy your lunch, or take advantage of our Buck-O-Slice pizza. If you’re a guest, the pizza is on us!

LatestAndrew Maples
2022 Summer Event Calendar

Your Guide to All Our Summer Events

Our Summer Calendar is back! The best way to enjoy this wonderful time of year is together. We’ve got park days, beach days, game nights, and more. Over the next few months, we’ve planned a variety of activities to help build friendships in the church and with our neighbors. All the activities are family friendly and open to everyone.

You can click the link below to view the calendar. Additionally, be sure to regularly check our Sovereign Grace family Facebook page for updates, reminders, and all the details like times, locations, and event descriptions. If you have questions, contact Kirsi or message the Facebook group.

View the 2022 Summer Event Calendar.

LatestAndrew Maples
Celebrating the Posthumas

Help Us Say Farewell to Our Friends

As a reminder, Danny, Nathalie, and their two sons, James and Caleb, are moving to Florida. Before they leave, we want to send them off with an evening of fun, fellowship, and memories. This is an occasion to celebrate their time in our church, and we want you to join us. The Gnewuchs have graciously agreed to host. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Saturday, May 28th from 6-8 pm

  • Tacos and dessert provided

  • Open invitation

If you have questions or need directions, please contact Diane. We hope to see you there!

LatestAndrew Maples
Prayer Meeting Tonight

Encountering and Conversing with God Through Prayer

As Christians, it is our privilege to come before the Lord in prayer. Our church makes it a priority to gather together as one each month to present our requests before the Lord. Join us tonight at the Women’s Club from 7-8 pm as we pray for our church, our city, and our partners.

LatestAndrew Maples