Who's Your One for June?

What’s Wrong With Us?

We’re nearly halfway through our year-long evangelism campaign. Last month, we considered how sharing our testimony fits into sharing the gospel. This month, let’s think about how we should talk to unbelievers about sin.

It’s impossible for somebody to embrace Jesus as their Savior if they don’t have an accurate view of the problem and the consequences of sin. Sin is our biggest problem and Jesus is God’s gracious solution. But if a person doesn’t see the problem, they won’t seek the answer. That’s why a big part of our evangelism involves teaching and persuading about the problem of sin. We aim to do this gently, clearly, and skillfully while remembering that true conviction comes only by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How do we talk about sin in a world that assumes most people are inherently good? There’s a sense in which the idea of sin is unpopular. However, we can rest assured that the average unbeliever has a strong sense of right and wrong. What are they most upset or outraged by in the world? What regrets do they have from their past? Where do they feel like they’ve failed recently?

By getting to the bottom of those kinds of questions, we can begin to show them how the deeper problem stems from their sin against God. They’ve worshiped something besides him. The worst part isn’t that they have regrets or dissatisfaction; they’ve rebelled against God. Yet, he stands ready to forgive and restore them if they will put their trust in His Son.

Next Steps

  1. Decide who your “one” is for June and prepare to share about them with your small group. If you didn’t share the gospel with your “one” from last month, feel free to pick them and try again!

  2. Think about the moral compass of your “one.” What are they passionate about? What causes do they care about? What injustices do they see in the world? What personal regrets weigh on their hearts? Think through these before you meet with your small group and come ready to share. Ask your small group how you might talk to them about their personal problem with sin and how Christ is the answer.

  3. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.

May God give us wisdom to talk about sin in a way that leads our neighbors to our Savior.

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