Celebrating 10 Years In Old Towne Orange

Easter Sunday
April 17th

In just two Sundays, we’ll be celebrating 10 years in Old Towne Orange. Can you believe it? God has established us here as a light to this community. He’s been faithfully sustaining us and we’re so glad.

We’re going to mark this significant moment in the life of our church and there are four things we need you to do to prepare:

  1. As we do every Easter Sunday, we’re hosting our all-you-can-eat donut buffet before the service from 9:30am-10:30am. Make plans to come early to fill up on donuts and coffee and enjoy an extra hour of fellowship.

  2. We’ll also have our Easter photo booth, so come dressed to impress. You’ll even get to take copies of your photos home with you!

  3. We’re formally adopting a new Statement of Faith and a new Membership Covenant as part of our 10-year anniversary. We’re asking all current members to sign a commemorative copy of the Membership Covenant at the service. Please make sure you review both documents before Easter Sunday. If you have any questions or reservations, please contact the church office as soon as possible and a pastor will be in touch.

  4. Consider joining our adult choir and having your kids sign up for our Easter choir. Sign-up here.

Our church continues to exist because God works through your faithful commitments. Thank you for helping us get to year 10 in Orange. May we be here spreading the joy of Jesus for many years to come!

LatestChurch Staff
Baptisms This Sunday

Dead to Sin
Alive to Christ

Baptism is the outward sign of an inward change, a heart that has been made alive by the power of God. Baptisms please God, encourage the church, and proclaim the gospel to those who don't yet trust in Christ.

We will be holding a baptism immediately following our Sunday morning service this week! So plan to hang out a few minutes after the service to celebrate new life in these dear brothers and sisters.

If You’re a Christian, Don’t Wait

If you believe in Jesus but have never been baptized then take advantage of this opportunity to confess your faith publicly. Learn more about baptism and fill out the form if you're ready.

Women And Work

Let’s Talk

Whether you are single or married, a mother, a homemaker or a paid professional, retired or a volunteer, we are all called to work for the glory of God. Our women’s ministry leader, Kirsi Turbedsky, is hosting a discussion about the Bible’s teaching on women and work. Join with the ladies of Sovereign Grace Church to take part in this important conversation.

Saturday, April 30th
Location Provided After RSVP

Contact Kirsi with your questions and to submit your RSVP.

LatestChurch Staff
Waiting For God Is Good For Us

The Space Between Promise and Fulfillment

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Acts 1:12-26. He reminded us that God often calls us to wait, just as He did to the disciples in Acts. And what we do while we wait reveals a lot about us. While we wait, we should major on the majors by giving ourselves to fellowship, prayer, and Scripture. One day God will reveal that He was doing something much bigger through our lives than we ever imagined. On that day, we’ll see clearly that our waiting was well worth it.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
A Citizenship Celebration

Ever since they arrived at our church in 2013, Ali and Mina’s story has been marked by God’s grace. Now we get to celebrate a new chapter in that story, U.S. citizenship! Just last week they completed the process and officially became citizens.

You’re Invited!

Help us give thanks to God by celebrating with Ali and Mina. Les and Sue Card are hosting. It’s an open house. Come and go as you please. Feel free to bring a dessert if you’d like to contribute.

Wednesday, March 30th
The Card Residence in Tustin, CA

Email Sue if you have any questions or need directions.

LatestChurch Staff
A Time For Your Ministry

Small Groups

Love one another. Pray for one another. Bear one another’s burdens. Teach one another. The list of instructions for Christian ministry goes on and on. What’s our strategy for doing all these “one anothers”? Gathering in small groups. 8-12 people who can truly know one another and commit to "one another” ministry.

If you’re looking to build vital relationships with other Christians, we invite you to visit a small group. The groups meet on either Wednesday or Friday.

Get your invite right here.

The Goodness Of The Ascension

It’s Worth Celebrating

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Acts 1:6-11. It’s Jesus’ final moments and last words for His disciples before He takes His seat at the Father’s right hand. He promises that He will send His Spirit to empower them to be His witnesses. Then He ascends to heaven. Why is the ascension so important for us? The ascension is His coronation and it clears a path for the Holy Spirit.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff