Celebrating 10 Years In Old Towne Orange

Easter Sunday
April 17th

In just two Sundays, we’ll be celebrating 10 years in Old Towne Orange. Can you believe it? God has established us here as a light to this community. He’s been faithfully sustaining us and we’re so glad.

We’re going to mark this significant moment in the life of our church and there are four things we need you to do to prepare:

  1. As we do every Easter Sunday, we’re hosting our all-you-can-eat donut buffet before the service from 9:30am-10:30am. Make plans to come early to fill up on donuts and coffee and enjoy an extra hour of fellowship.

  2. We’ll also have our Easter photo booth, so come dressed to impress. You’ll even get to take copies of your photos home with you!

  3. We’re formally adopting a new Statement of Faith and a new Membership Covenant as part of our 10-year anniversary. We’re asking all current members to sign a commemorative copy of the Membership Covenant at the service. Please make sure you review both documents before Easter Sunday. If you have any questions or reservations, please contact the church office as soon as possible and a pastor will be in touch.

  4. Consider joining our adult choir and having your kids sign up for our Easter choir. Sign-up here.

Our church continues to exist because God works through your faithful commitments. Thank you for helping us get to year 10 in Orange. May we be here spreading the joy of Jesus for many years to come!

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