Resources On Spiritual Gifts

God gives gifts.
We need them.

We had technical difficulties on Sunday and didn’t capture a sermon recording from Eric’s message on spiritual gifts. In lieu of the sermon audio, the pastors have published a handful of recommended resources on this important topic. Use these as trusted guides to shape your thoughts on the work of the Spirit.

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We're Back In The Building

This Sunday
March 6th

After nearly 90 outdoor services during the pandemic, we're heading back indoors. We're grateful for God's provision of the Woman's Club garden, but we’re thrilled to meet inside again! We'll be able to hear each other's voices as we sing, project our lyrics, and be spared from the beautiful California weather.

Here are a few important notes for you:

  • Children's Ministry will be hosted in the garden as it was before the pandemic. Make sure your kids are dressed for the weather on Sundays. We’ll move them inside on rainy, windy, or excessively hot days.

  • California’s COVID-19 regulations have been relaxed. If the state re-implements regulations in the future we intend to follow them and will communicate any changes or plans.

  • We'll receive an offering and distribute communion elements in the service as we have in the past.

Our Sunday teams are hard at work getting ready for the transition. If you have any questions, please contact the pastoral team. They're available to listen, explain, discuss, and pray.

May God bless our Sunday meetings.

LatestChurch Staff
A Church Planted During The Pandemic

Mission City Fellowship
San Antonio, TX

We wanted to pass on this encouraging update from one church in our denomination that began in the middle of the pandemic. Mission City Fellowship loves the same Savior we do, shares our core values, and is situated in a context similar to ours.

Take a few minutes to hear the encouraging stories of God’s faithfulness to them in their first year. Pray for God to prosper their ministry.

Take me to the update.

LatestChurch Staff
Who's Your One For March?

But What If…?

We’re two months into our 2022 evangelism campaign. We discussed failure last month. This month, let’s talk about fear.

While some people may enjoy charging headfirst into difficult or awkward conversations, most of us aren’t built for that. The idea of having a hard conversation makes our palms sweat.

What if I can’t answer their questions?
What if they’re offended by something I say?
What if they think I’m stupid or presumptuous?
What if I do more harm than good?

These kinds of questions can get us stuck with regard to evangelism. But God is fully prepared to get us unstuck. Remember these inspired words from the pen of the Apostle Peter:

“…in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…”
1 Peter 3:15 ESV

Peter treats fear with fear: “honor Christ the Lord as holy.” In other words, don’t worry about how your words will be received, instead, focus on Who your words will honor.

One author helpfully observed, “I’m always trying to discern which words will be most warmly received by my conversation partner. Peter tells me to focus my discernment elsewhere. I’m not to choose my words according to how they’re received (no one can control how their words are received). My discernment should center on the origin of the words more than the destination.”

Gentleness and respect should characterize our evangelism. But delight in the gospel and love for the lost is the motivation of our evangelism. We need to turn there when fear trips us up.

What’s your biggest fear related to evangelism? Is it a lack of knowledge or eloquence? How about rejection or the loss of a relationship? Before you apply the remedy, you need a proper diagnosis. Identify your evangelism fears. Ask God to help you with them. Seek help from your brothers and sisters. Then go and share the good news.

Next Steps

  1. Decide who your “one” is for March and prepare to share them with your small group. If you didn’t share the gospel with your “one” from last month, pick them and try again this month!

  2. Identify your evangelism fears. Prepare to share them with your small group and ask for their prayers and counsel.

  3. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.

May God bring hope to the hopeless through our evangelism efforts this month.

LatestChurch Staff
Communion Service Instructions

We Gather Around Christ’s Table as a Family

On Sunday, March 13th, we host our 7th annual Communion Service (see photos from the previous years). We gather for a huge banquet-style meal punctuated by moments of reflection on the broken body and shed blood of our Savior. It’s the privilege of those who have been welcomed into the family of God through the sacrifice of his only begotten Son.


Our Sunday morning service is canceled. The Communion Service begins at 5:00pm at our normal meeting place, the Woman's Club of Orange. Everyone contributes. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we get asked:

What can I bring?

  • Households of 1 or 2, bring a side (green salad, mashed potatoes, macaroni salad, etc.).

  • Households of 3 or 4, bring an entree.

  • Households of 5 or more, bring a side and an entree.

  • We’re looking for volunteers to provide dessert. If you want to bring something sweet to share, then please do!

I have a baby/toddler. Does my household count as a 3-person household? 

If you expect your child to eat the food we are sharing, count them. If not, or not really, err on the side of the smaller household number.

Will there be childcare?

Not this Sunday. Family-style means everybody will be together the entire time. Think Thanksgiving dinner. Kids will get antsy and that's ok. Don't feel bad about getting up and down from your seat with your children.

Who should take communion?

Whether a member or a guest, if you’ve trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins we invite you to take communion with us. Generally speaking, those who are not ready to be baptized should refrain from taking the elements and simply observe. More details about our practice of communion are available here.

How can I keep my dish warm? 

If you bring your food in a crockpot, you will be able to plug it in at the buffet table. 

I have special dietary needs. Will there be food for me to eat? 

This is a potluck, everyone is contributing. Your best bet is to bring something you know you can eat.

Are guests and regular attenders welcome?

Yes, please join us!

Is there anything else I can do to help?

Yep. Contact Rosalind for instructions. 

LatestChurch Staff
Youth Meeting This Thursday

The Most Unpopular Christian Convictions

Pastor Eric is taking our youth through some of the most challenging beliefs Christians hold. They’ve already covered “Christianity is the one true religion”, “Christians believe in sin”, and “Christians believe in forgiveness.” What are they covering this week? Come and find out!

All Junior and Senior High students are invited to join. Bring your friends. Pastor Eric is leading and hosting at his house.

This Thursday

Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.

May our young men and women know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.

LatestChurch Staff
On The Cross

Jesus’ Great Accomplishments

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Galatians 3:13. He led us through seven accomplishments that Jesus Christ achieved on the cross. The Lamb of God bore our sins, took our punishment, turned away God’s wrath, upheld God’s righteousness, purchased our redemption, reconciled us to God, and prepared us to live with God forever. All of the benefits we enjoy as Christians came through the substitutionary sacrifice of our Savior. May we never lose the wonder of the cross.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
An All-Church Picnic

Our Monthly Picnic in the Plaza This Sunday!

Grab your lunch and a lawn chair and enjoy a meal with us in the center of our beautiful city. Picnic in the Plaza is an opportunity to show our city how good it is to be part of Sovereign Grace Church.

Directly after our Sunday service we do lunch together right in Plaza Square Park. Pack a lunch, grab lunch from an eatery in town, or take advantage of our famous Buck-O-Slice pizza. Let’s enjoy lunch and fellowship for the glory of God and the good of our neighbors.

Church Staff