Our Services Are Moving Back Indoors

Sunday, March 6th

After nearly 90 outdoor services during the pandemic, we're heading back into the building next Sunday, March 6th. While we're grateful for God's provision of the Woman's Club garden, we’re thrilled to meet inside again! We'll be able to hear each other's voices as we sing, project our lyrics, and be spared from the beautiful California weather.

Here are a few important notes for you:

  • Children's Ministry will be hosted in the garden as it was before the pandemic. Make sure your kids are dressed for the weather on Sundays. We’ll move them inside on rainy, windy, or excessively hot days.

  • California’s COVID-19 regulations have been relaxed. If the state re-implements regulations in the future we intend to follow them and will communicate our plans publicly.

  • We'll go back to receiving an offering and distributing communion elements in the service as we have in the past.

Our Sunday teams are hard at work getting ready for the transition. If you have any questions, please contact the pastoral team. They're available to listen, explain, discuss, and pray.

May God bless our Sunday meetings.

LatestChurch Staff
Two Easter Choirs

An Adult Choir and a Children’s Choir

On Easter Sunday this year we’re adding two choirs into the mix. The adult choir will be part of our band and sing throughout the service. We’ll bring the kids up for one special song.

Singers of all skill levels are welcome to join! The age range for the children’s choir is 3 to 10 years old.

More details are forthcoming. Right now we just need to know if you’re interested. So sign yourself and your children up using the form below.

Take me to the interest form.

LatestChurch Staff
Prayer Meeting Tonight!

We’re meeting tonight to seek the Lord in prayer together. Unite your heart and your voice with ours as we seek God together.

Join us at 7:00pm in Old Towne Orange. We’re asking everyone who can be there to be there. Bring a lawn chair, a coat, and a heart ready to meet with the Lord.

All the details are here.

LatestChurch Staff
Men's Seminar Reading List


The Lord met us graciously this past Saturday. 45 men from the Sovereign Grace Churches in Santa Ana, Orange, and Yuma gathered together to learn what the Bible has to say about human sexuality and how to grow in "glorifying God in our bodies” (1 Cor. 6:20). Pastor Erik Rangel served up one of the clearest and most coherent teachings on the subject we’ve ever heard. We left inspired, prepared to serve one another, ready to enter into the fight, and profoundly grateful for our partnership with our sister churches.

See the full list of resources Pastor Erik Rangel suggested for further study below.

LatestChurch Staff
Why Are There Any Christians?

Because God Chose to Save Some

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Ephesians 1:3-6. He reminded us that God chose those He would save in Christ before the foundation of the world. Our salvation is gracious from beginning to end. We add nothing to it except the sin from which we need to be saved. And while His choosing leaves us with some unanswered questions, the doctrine of election is in our Bibles to lead us to worship the God who has sovereignly saved us to the praise of His glorious grace.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Prayer Meeting Next Tuesday

“None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience.”
Martin Luther

We learn the power of prayer by experience. We pray so that we can participate in what God is doing. We pray so that we don’t miss it when he answers.

Our monthly prayer meeting is on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Unite your heart and your voice with ours as we seek God together.

Our next one is this coming Tuesday 2/22/22 at 7:00pm in Old Towne Orange. We’re asking everyone who can be there to be there. Bring a lawn chair, a coat, and a heart ready to meet with the Lord.

All the details are here.

Church Staff
Save The Date: Our Annual Communion Feast

Sunday, March 13th
At The Woman’s Club

Put it on your calendar now! Our annual communion service is happening on Daylight Savings Sunday. It’s the toughest day of the year to wake up, but we’re giving you 7 extra hours of sleep. You’re welcome!

Morning Service is Canceled

Join us at 5:00pm for a family-style meal punctuated by reflections on the Lord’s Supper. It’s a potluck, everyone contributes. We’ll provide more details soon.

We can’t wait to celebrate our great salvation with you.

LatestChurch Staff