Look for the Kindness of the Lord

John Piper Describes How We Can Grow Through Bible Reading

God does not stop revealing to us the glory of Christ in his word. He starts at new birth, and he keeps on revealing the glory of Christ. Our new life started with a miracle — and it continues with a miracle.

The ongoing miracle that God works by his Spirit is that we become increasingly like the one we admire and enjoy — Christ. The apostle Paul writes,

“We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

The words “beholding” and “being transformed” are present tense, which means ongoing action — not once for all, but continual. “Beholding the glory of the Lord, we are being transformed.” This is what God does daily as we look to him in his word. It is what he does weekly in the preaching of his word in gathered worship. And it is what, I pray, he is doing right now as you read.

Continue reading the article here.

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The Aroma Of Christ

Our Lives

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 2 Corinthians 2:12-17. He reminded us that when people spend time with us it should be like they spent time with Jesus. His life shows itself through our lives. We smell like Him. Those who are perishing will recoil from it. Those who are being saved will be delighted by it. May many be drawn to our Savior through our words, deeds, and lives.

Listen to the sermon.

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Get Registered!

Money Management Class Registration Deadline Is Two Days Away!

Do you have debt you can’t seem to pay down?
Are you having trouble creating and keeping a budget?
Are you stressed by the state of your finances?
Do you wish you could be more generous?

Once a year we offer a course on the biblical principles of financial stewardship. The classes are conducted in a small group setting, using a discussion format and curriculum adapted from Crown Ministries and Money and the Gospel.

10 classes on Mondays beginning January 24th

Les and Sue lead the class. Their mentorship is invaluable. Check out testimonies of those who’ve been impacted by the class here, here, and here.

Materials cost $30 per person or $55 per couple. Scholarships are available.

Register by this Sunday, January 16th

Spots are limited and time is running out. Sign up today!

Become A Member Of Our Church

Membership is a key feature of our church. We practice it because it’s biblical, it provides a context for ministry, and it leaves nobody wondering whether or not Sovereign Grace Church is their church.

Our approach to membership is straightforward. It’s outlined right here.

If you’re a regular attender considering membership, we welcome you to contact the church office so that we can help you discern if God is calling you to join with us. We’re available to answer any and all of your questions.

LatestChurch Staff
Two Book Recommendations On Evangelism

Take Up and Read

After beginning our Who’s Your One? evangelism campaign and listening to Pastor Eric’s sermon last Sunday, we’re ready to grow as evangelists. So, where do we begin? Reading a good book is a great way to get inspired and equipped.

Of course, you should be reading your Bible. That’s certainly the best book on evangelism. But below we’ve provided two other book recommendations to help you grow as an evangelist.

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever

“We don't fail in our evangelism if we faithfully tell the gospel to someone who is not converted; we fail only if we don't faithfully tell the gospel at all. Evangelism itself isn't converting people; it's telling them that they need to be converted and telling them how they can be.”

“When our eyes fall from God to humanity, social ills replace sin, horizontal problems replace the fundamental vertical problem between us and God, winning elections eclipses winning souls.”

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer

“…faith in the sovereignty of God’s government and grace is the only thing that can sustain [evangelism], for it is the only thing that can give us the resilience that we need if we are to evangelize boldly and persistently, and not to be daunted by temporary setbacks.”

“What is the motive for evangelizing? There are, in fact, two motives that should spur us constantly to evangelize. The first is love of God and concern for his glory; the second is love of man and concern for his welfare.”

May the Spirit of God give us the grace to be faithful evangelists.

LatestChurch Staff
The Resolutions Of Jonathan Edwards

A Mastering Aim to Glorify God

Jonathan Edwards was an 18th-century pastor, theologian, and author who’s writings continue to deeply shape our church. The 70 Resolutions he wrote as a young pastor are a commendable example of God-centered ambition marked by humility.

“Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will for Christ’s sake.”
Jonathan Edwards

Take a few minutes to read Stephen Nichols’ wonderful article summarizing these resolutions.

LatestChurch Staff
The Marvelous Mission Of God

Be Amazed By Your Mission

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. He reminded us that we are God’s plan for evangelism. He is making His appeal to unbelievers through us. Our ransomed lives are the way He’s persuading the world to be reconciled to Him. His love for us and for fellow sinners motivates us to share His message.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
The Policy No One Wants

But Everyone Knows We Need

With the current surge in COVID cases, we’re asking you to review our COVID-19 Positive Test and Exposure Policy. It lines out what to do if you attend a church event and then either test positive or are exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19. Reading the policy only takes a minute.

Thanks for doing your part to help us respond wisely to the ongoing pandemic. May God keep us safe and may He bring a swift end to this pandemic.

LatestChurch Staff