Cross Of Grace 4th Anniversary

Give God the Glory
Great Things He Has Done

This past Sunday, our sister church in Santa Ana celebrated their 4-year anniversary! Over 4 years ago we began dreaming and praying for God to establish a church in downtown Santa Ana. He heard our prayers. He provided laborers, funds, and opportunities. What was once a dream is now a reality. Cross of Grace is an established, healthy, growing church — all by God’s grace!

Enjoy a recap about their celebration and see the photos here.

LatestChurch Staff
Steve's Testimony

On Sunday, we asked church member Steve Zietlow to share about his experience at the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference last week. This is a wonderful window into the good work God did among us. Thank God and pray for Him to continue to bless us and our partners in Sovereign Grace.

When I was invited to attend the Pastor’s conference this year. I was a little confused. I don’t hold any role of leadership at the church and I have plenty of things to do at work. Why do I need to attend?

On my way to Orlando, my flight was delayed and my attitude was poor, to say the least. However, when I walked into the conference and 600 people began singing in one voice, praises to Jesus and when the preeminence of Jesus was preached, I realized why I was there: It was for me and it was for you. 

Selfishly, for me, I was a bit adrift in the “business” of church. Having served in leadership in other churches, it was sadly becoming a bit clinical for me and there was an underlying bitterness that I didn’t even realize was there.  In the very first session, it seemed as if Jeff Pursewell was talking right to me. He asked the question of what we needed when our hearts were weary. His answer was that we “Need our eyes fixed, our souls soothed, and our Hope set on Jesus.” Throughout the week, these God gifted leaders were used by Him to proclaim the centrality of Jesus and His faithfulness, to me and to our churches. In the midst of these last couple of crazy years, I had become more and more blind to this fact. Those messages, the worship, and the fellowship was like a salve for my soul. I realized that I needed to be there for the embrace of the gospel truth. 

The other reason I realized that I was there was for you. After it was over I told Pastor Mike and Pastor Dustin that I wish we could have brought the whole church family.  So here is what I observed:

  • The leaders of Sovereign Grace have a passionate love for our Savior, Jesus.

  • God is using the partnerships that our churches have with one another to strengthen and further His ministry to the world.  We are more than a denomination, we are a family. 

  • Your leaders here in Orange love you, love one another, and love Jesus. 

I want to thank you for sending me and for sending the leadership of this church to the Pastors Conference this year. I can honestly speak for every one of us that we returned home changed and refreshed to continue on mission here in Orange to proclaim the preeminence of Jesus.

Thank you for sharing, Steve!

LatestChurch Staff
Marvel At Mercy

We have a moment-by-moment need for God’s mercy

On Sunday pastoral resident Andrew Maples preached from Genesis 43:1-34. He called us to marvel at God’s mercy. We have a great need for God to forgive us and help us. Scripture provides regular examples of God mercifully helping those who need His mercy. And this passage reveals the God of mercy who takes rebels, makes them sons, and welcomes them to His table.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
How Do We Obey The "One Another" Commands In The Bible?

Small Groups

Love one another. Pray for one another. Bear one another’s burdens. Teach one another. The list of instructions for Christian ministry goes on and on. What’s our strategy for doing all these “one anothers”? Gathering in small groups. 8-12 people who can truly know one another and commit to "one another” ministry.

If you’re looking to build vital relationships with other Christians, we invite you to check out a small group. You can find a group near you by clicking here. All groups meet on the first and third Wednesday or Friday of every month (next week!).

Latest, MinistriesAnne Adam
Pray For PasCon 2021

The annual Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference starts today (Tuesday) in Orlando, FL. Our pastoral team is there along with a handful of leaders from our church.

Though the pandemic has prevented many global partners from attending, current registration for the conference is around 600, with people traveling in from places as far as Costa Rica, Germany, Ethiopia, Italy, Mexico, Zambia, and the United Kingdom.

We’d like to ask you to pray for this special and strategic time for our family of churches. Here are some ways you can pray for everyone involved:

  • Pray that all that happens at the conference would celebrate the preeminence of Jesus Christ (this year’s theme) in a way that He alone would receive all the glory.

  • Pray that God would use the preaching to equip our pastors to live our lives, and pastor our churches, in a way that we make much of Christ as we faithfully serve His people.

  • Pray for our main session speakers: Jeff Purswell, Jon Payne, C.J. Mahaney, and Jared Mellinger. Pray also for Mark Prater, Eric Turbedsky, and Dave Taylor as they lead a “Sovereign Grace Missions” main session.

  • Pray for the work of the Holy Spirit as we spend time together.

  • Pray that God would give us opportunities to care for one another and strengthen our relationships.

  • Pray that God would use our time to strengthen and unite us in the gospel mission we share.

LatestChurch Staff
Has My Past Ruined My Future?

Your Savior Redeems Your Past, Present, and Future

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 42:1-38. He reminded us that Jesus Christ heals our past hurts, forgives every sin, and prepares us for a bright future. We don’t need to dwell on our past mistakes and hurts. We don’t need to be crippled by our present struggles. We don’t need to fret about the future. Why? Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Cookies For A Good Cause

Bless Those Who Protect Our City

There are so many people who make our city what it is. Firefighters do a huge service to us and our community. They’re worthy of honor. And God calls us to show “honor to whom honor is owed” (Rom. 13:7).

Your kids are invited to help us bless the firefighters in Orange. See the details in the flyer above. RSVP to Kirsi by Sunday, November 21st if you and your kids can make it.

LatestChurch Staff