It's Time To Fall Back

Don’t worry, your phone will do it for you

But we still feel the need to tell you. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep on Saturday night. Make sure you change the clocks on your oven, microwave, and in your car. We’ll see you Sunday morning to rehearse and celebrate the gospel!

LatestChurch Staff
It Was A Happy Reformation Sunday

Celebrating Salvation by Grace

It took a village to throw a party this big, but you were up for the challenge. Thank you for joining us and thank you for contributing to our Reformation Celebration. You were setting up, tearing down, cooking, running games for kids, and just being good friends and hosts.

All the photos are here for your enjoyment.

There are a handful of people who handled big parts of Reformapalooza. We want to specifically recognize and thank them:

  • Alice - buffet and drink station setup and teardown

  • Rosalind - setup, teardown, and hostessing

  • Chris - purchasing all grocery items

  • Zac - inside setup and tear down

  • Caleb - outdoor setup and tear down

  • Holly - event photos

  • Steve & Gina - cooking 200 delicious bratwurst

  • Mike, Lois, Ben, Zac, & Joey - creating and running carnival games for kids

We thank God for saving us by His grace. And we thank God for bringing us together to celebrate it!

LatestChurch Staff
Thank You For Giving

Thanksgiving Food Drive

We asked you to help us provide Thanksgiving dinner for our neighbors and you answered the call. Thank you for going out of your way to be generous. God will do more with your giving than we will know.

Do you have time to SPARE?

HomeAid is asking for volunteers this Friday and Saturday. If you would like to collect more food items or help assemble meal boxes, you can sign up here. A few of us are already registered to volunteer. We would love for you to join us!

LatestChurch Staff
Lessons From Luther's Stand

We celebrated Reformation Day on Sunday. But often our understanding of important historical events can be dramatized. Luther’s famous “Here I stand” speech at the Diet of Worms is vulnerable to this. Take a moment to read three church history scholars’ descriptions of this momentous event. Let their perspectives cut through the noise and expose you to the true significance.

I’m ready to read the article.

LatestChurch Staff
Our Unchanging Charge

Guard the Gospel Entrusted to You

On Reformation Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 2 Timothy 1:8-14. He reminded us that we must not be distracted from our primary calling: to guard and promote the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ. From our own personal interests to political commitments, there are many issues that want to crowd out our gospel-centrality. But we must hold the line as Christians have for ages. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we must guard the good deposit entrusted to us.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Reformapalooza Is Two Days Away!

Reformation Celebration
This Sunday, October 31st
Immediately Following Our Service

Sausages. Potato Salads. Desserts. Games. This is how we celebrate salvation by grace through faith in Christ!

This Sunday is the 504th anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany and accidentally started the Protestant Reformation. We have benefitted tremendously from the recovery of the gospel that sparked to life in 1517. Let’s commemorate it together.

Reformapalooza is a potluck and we need your help to pull it off. See the list below for your assignment.

Last name starts with A-E: Bring a side.

Last name starts with F-P: Bring a salad or vegetable.

Last name starts with R-Z: Bring a dessert.

Bring your own serving ware. We’ll direct you where to place your items before the service. Fridge space is limited. If you need to keep it cold, we ask you to bring a small cooler to keep it in. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the church office.

We can’t wait to celebrate the gospel with you. Thanks for pitching in to make it a memorable time together.

LatestChurch Staff
Last Sunday Of Our Food Drive

Help Us Help Those In Need

We’re partnering with HomeAid to help those in need in our neighborhoods. Bring non-perishable food items this Sunday. There will be a container near the entrance to the garden where you can drop them off. Here’s what we need you to bring:

  • Stuffing

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Gravy

  • Mashed Potatoes

  • Vegetables such as green beans, corn, carrot, etc.

  • Pasta

  • Cereal

  • Non-perishable Desserts

Do Even More
Join Us to Volunteer

You can also volunteer to help collect items and assemble meal boxes! A few church members are already signed up for November 5th and 6th. Get more details and register here.

Contact the church office with any questions.

LatestChurch Staff
We're Singing It Again This Sunday

Singing the 5 Solas

We introduced the song last week with an eye toward this week. This Sunday is Reformation Day and we’re singing a song to help us celebrate. Check out the lyrics and listen to the song by clicking on the picture above or the link below. We can’t wait to sing with you on Sunday!

Listen to Reformation Song


Verse 1
Your Word alone is solid ground
The mighty rock on which we build
In every line the truth is found
And every page with glory filled

Verse 2
Through faith alone we come to You
We have no merit we can claim
Sure that Your promises are true
We place our hope in Jesus’ name

Gloria, gloria, glory to God alone!
Gloria, gloria, glory to God alone!

Verse 3
In Christ alone we’re justified
His righteousness is all our plea
Your law’s demands are satisfied
His perfect work has set us free

Verse 4
By grace alone we have been saved
All that we are has come from You
Hearts that were once by sin enslaved
Now by Your pow’r have been made new!
Now by Your pow’r have been made new!

LatestChurch Staff