Reformapalooza Is Two Days Away!

Reformation Celebration
This Sunday, October 31st
Immediately Following Our Service

Sausages. Potato Salads. Desserts. Games. This is how we celebrate salvation by grace through faith in Christ!

This Sunday is the 504th anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany and accidentally started the Protestant Reformation. We have benefitted tremendously from the recovery of the gospel that sparked to life in 1517. Let’s commemorate it together.

Reformapalooza is a potluck and we need your help to pull it off. See the list below for your assignment.

Last name starts with A-E: Bring a side.

Last name starts with F-P: Bring a salad or vegetable.

Last name starts with R-Z: Bring a dessert.

Bring your own serving ware. We’ll direct you where to place your items before the service. Fridge space is limited. If you need to keep it cold, we ask you to bring a small cooler to keep it in. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the church office.

We can’t wait to celebrate the gospel with you. Thanks for pitching in to make it a memorable time together.

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