Why The Reformation Still Matters

“The Reformation was not principally a negative movement about moving away from Rome and its corruption; it was a positive movement, about moving toward the gospel.”
Michael Reeves

Keeping the gospel central is work Christians will do until Christ returns. Drifting from the cross is easy and natural. And church history has proven that it will happen if we fail to “guard the good deposited entrusted to you” (2 Tim. 1:14).

If you’re wondering what’s so special about the Reformation, we’ve got a great resource for you. This short article by Michael Reeves will outline the major reasons the Reformation was good and necessary. And he will convince you that we need to keep reforming today.

Take me to the article.

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Forgotten But Not Forsaken

God Remembers You Even When Others Don’t

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 40:1-23. Joseph begins and ends the chapter in prison. The one man he pleads with to remember him forgets him. But God remembers him. God is with him. And even his time in prison will turn out to be for God’s good purposes. The same is true for us, even when we feel overlooked, ignored, and forgotten.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
No One Hungry On Thanksgiving

A Generous God Has Generous People

We’re partnering with HomeAid to help those in need in our neighborhoods. Bring non-perishable food items beginning this Sunday. There will be a container near the entrance to the garden where you can drop them off. Here’s what we need you to bring:

  • Stuffing

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Gravy

  • Mashed Potatoes

  • Vegetables such as green beans, corn, carrot, etc.

  • Pasta

  • Cereal

  • Non-perishable Desserts

Thanks to Les and Sue Card for taking the lead on this!

LatestChurch Staff
Messages From Celebration CA

Not a Substitute for the Real Thing

But a gift from God, nonetheless. For those who weren’t able to attend or were serving with Celebration Kids, all four messages from last weekend’s retreat are now available! Hit the link below and listen to the messages to learn how God used Jonah to shape our California mission.

Take me to the messages.

LatestChurch Staff
Thanksgiving Food Drive

A Generous God Has Generous People

Help us help those in need in our neighborhoods. Bring non-perishable food items beginning this Sunday. Use the list below:

  • Stuffing

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Gravy

  • Mashed Potatoes

  • Vegetables such as green beans, corn, carrot, etc.

  • Pasta

  • Cereal

  • Non-perishable Desserts

Thanks to Les and Sue Card for taking the lead on this!

Church Staff
Pray For Our Global Gospel Partners

The following prayer requests come from Sovereign Grace Church’s Director of Emerging Nations, Dave Taylor. We urge you to join us and other brothers and sisters from around the world as we ask God to work!

In a recent missions update I got through email, the author began with the following observation:

‘Prayer is an amazing invitation from God! First and foremost, through prayer we are invited to have communion with the living God, to talk with him, and walk in his presence. To have this kind of relationship with the living God is incredible! As we grow to know our God, to fellowship with him, and to walk in his presence, our hearts will burn for his glory to fill the earth. And because our Father lovingly listens to us and is intent on filling the earth with his glory, He hears our weak but faith-fuelled prayers and moves with heavens power to invade and act upon the earth. This blows my mind! Incredibly, our prayers impact eternity!’

After reading that, all I wanted to do is pray, and I hope it has the same effect on your hearts today. With all the work that we have going on around the world, we really need your faith-filled prayers. They make such an eternal difference, and so here’s how you can be praying for us in the month ahead…

  1. Please pray for the 11 students that make up the class of 2022 at our newly formed SG Pastors College in Ethiopia (Trinity College). They are from 6 different countries: Somaliland, Somalia, Kenya, Rwanda, the USA, and of course Ethiopia... What a year they have ahead of them!

  2. Please pray for Emmanuel Iluzada, Elder at CCSGM, Manila, as he puts together a second Sovereign Grace Churches Philippines, Worship Convention for 2021, to take place on Saturday 9th October, over Zoom. This event will involve around 100 worship team members from across the Philippines and Devon Kauflin (Pastor, Grace Church of Clarksburg, Singer and Songwriter for SG Music) will be the main speaker. Please pray for everyone involved.

  3. Please pray for Joselo Mercado, Lead Pastor of Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, as he a heads to Puerto Rico, October 15-16th, to preach at the Reformados Conference, alongside Miguel Nuneuz and Bob Kauflin. This is such a significant conference in Puerto Rico, sponsored by Sovereign Grace Churches. May God truly establish the work of their hands.

  4. Please pray for David Del Castillo, Pastor of Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Santa Cruz, as he leads through our very first Sovereign Grace Conference in Bolivia, South America - "Siervos por su gracias (Servants by your Grace)" Siervos por su gracia – Bolivia. Please pray for Joselo Mercado, Matthew Williams and Chris Deloglos as they attend and speak at the conference. The theme for this year is "The Gospel and the Centrality of it” and God-willing, it is our hope that this will become an annual SG Conference in Bolivia.

  5. Please pray for our newly formed ‘Reaching The Unreached Work Group’, which I have pulled together to help myself and the Leadership Team map a way forward for growth, in reaching the unreached in our world. Please pray for great wisdom, insight and faith for us all: Dave Taylor (Lead Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney & Director of Emerging Nations), Brendan Willis (Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney), Pat Tedeschi (Pastor, Greentree, NJ), Tim Kerr (Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Toronto), Ken Delage (Pastor, Mercy Hill Community Church, VA) and Leo Parris (Pastor, Covenant Fellowship Church, PA). There’s still so many to tell about Jesus.

… Incredibly, our prayers impact eternity, and so what an opportunity they are. May that always blow our minds!

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Send Us Your Photos

Help Us Mark the Moment:
Celebration CA 2021

God met us this weekend as we sang the gospel, heard the gospel preached from Jonah, and enjoyed the unity created by the gospel with our sister churches in Idyllwild, CA. We only wish everyone could’ve been there!

You can help us mark the moment by sending us your photos and videos from the retreat. Email them to photos@sovgraceoc.org and we’ll put together an album that everyone can enjoy. Get them to us ASAP!

Thanks to all who served and attended to make this weekend happen. God has been so good to us.

Church Staff