The Fierce Fruit of Self-Control

The Secret Sauce of Godliness

“Self-control is likely the difference-maker in the very area of your life you most want to grow.”
C.J. Mahaney

Recently, the founder of our denomination, C.J. Mahaney, preached a sermon on an often overlooked and neglected fruit of the Spirit: self-control. Your pastors found this sermon both helpful and hopeful. We urge you to consider setting aside 40-minutes to benefit from it.

Listen to the sermon.

LatestChurch Staff
Youth Meeting

Passing the Gospel to the Next Generation

All Junior and Senior High students are welcome to participate in youth group this week. Invite your friends. It’s led and hosted by Pastor Eric in his backyard.

April - July 2021
First Thursdays of the Month

Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.

May our youth know, love, and serve Christ.

LatestChurch Staff
Avoiding Functional Atheism

Trusting the God who is there even when it seems like He isn’t.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached all of Genesis 27. He reminded us that God is working even when we can’t see what He’s doing. If we forget that truth, then we may take matters into our own hands. This is functional atheism, living as though everything is up to us. Instead, we trust His promises. And as we do, we remain faithful, obedience, and joyful, even while we wait.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Our New-Old Garden Setup

We’re Changing It Back

On Easter we changed the setup of the Woman’s Club garden for our Sunday service in order to make more room. After a month of doing it this way, we’re going back. Sound and shade are the major challenges with our new setup. We’re doing our best to make it as easy as we can for you to participate in our services.

Don’t be surprised when you walk in on Sunday and it’s different. The chairs will be in rows to accommodate more seats, but we’ll be closer to the layout we used before Easter Sunday.

Thanks for being flexible and continuing to participate in our services! God is glorified and we are edified each time we gather.

LatestChurch Staff
Engaging Others On Sunday

We love Sundays!

Our Sunday gathering is the one time each week we’re all in the same place. God brings us together to bless us, to speak to us, to proclaim and cherish the gospel, and to build one another up through our presence and gifts.

Ed Welch, a favorite author of ours, has a short video on how to meaningfully engage others on Sunday mornings. If you want to grow in the skill of encouraging others in brief Sunday interactions, take a couple minutes to learn from him.

Watch the video.

LatestChurch Staff
Dead To Sin, Alive To Christ
Baptisms May 2021.png

Baptism is the outward sign of an inward change, a heart that has been made alive by the power of God. Baptisms glorify God, encourage the church, and proclaim the gospel to those who don't yet trust in Christ.

We will be holding a baptism immediately following our Sunday morning service on May 23rd.

If you trust in Christ, get baptized

If you have believed in Jesus but were never baptized then take advantage of this opportunity. Learn more about baptism and fill out the form if you're ready.

LatestChurch Staff
Waiting For Deliverance

We Can Trust God

On Sunday guest preacher Bob Kauflin preached from Psalm 40. God’s faithfulness to deliver us from trials in the past enables us to praise him through trials in the present. God has delivered us from sin and death by the sacrifice of His Son. He will deliver us from every trial we face today. We can worship while we wait.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff