Recommended Reading On Evangelism

Good News For A Bad News World

God is making His offer of salvation available to the world through Christians (2 Cor. 5:20). We need clarity and courage as we go about this important and glorious work.

Two pastors in our denomination have published their top picks for books on evangelism. If you’d like to give some attention to this area of your life, consider reading one of the books from their lists.

Show me the list of evangelism book recommendations.

LatestChurch Staff
Christians At Work

We work for the sake of the gospel.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from 1 Timothy 6:1-2. Whether we are employees, students, homemakers, or retirees, God has work for us to do. He has given us areas of responsibility where we’re called to spend our lives for his glory and the good of our neighbors. How we approach that work is a crucial part of our witness to a needy world.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Pray For Our Small Groups

Rooted and built up in Christ

Our Friday small groups meet tonight and our Wednesday small groups meet next week. God is using our love, our counsel, and our prayers to further establish and grow us. The pandemic hasn’t stopped him or his church.

Join us in praying that God would bless these meetings. Pray for wise and skillful leadership by our small group leaders. Pray for joyful participation, gratitude for the gift of fellowship, and abounding love for one another in Christ.

Learn more about small groups.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For Our Bible Reading

As you know, we are running Bible reading challenges for both the men and women of Sovereign Grace Church. You can be a part of it by praying for God to meet us as we read.

Use the prayer below based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 4:4:

Gracious God,
we do not live by bread alone, but by
every word that comes from your mouth.
Make us hungry for this heavenly food,
that it may nourish us today
in the ways of eternal life;
through Jesus Christ,
the bread of heaven. Amen.

LatestChurch Staff
The Church And Her Pastors

Protecting from Heart-drift

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from 1 Timothy 5:17-25. In this passage the Apostle Paul outlines practical ways the church can love her pastors. The enemy seeks to drive a wedge between church members and leaders. We need to counteract his efforts by loving one another in the ways God graciously prescribes in Scripture.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Last Chance!

Start 2021 Off Right

Gentlemen, the ladies of our church are already making their way through the Bible together. Now, you have the opportunity to read through the New Testament with your brothers.

Reading Scripture is a joy, but it’s also a discipline. A plan and accountability will help you stay on track. That’s why we’re doing this together.

We’ll follow the same schedule, have regular check-ins, share the ways God is meeting us, and celebrate when it’s all done.

Do this for the good of your families, the good of your friends, the good of your neighbors, the good of the church, and the good of your own soul.

Today is the last day to register!

The reading plan starts on January 11th. The deadline to sign-up is the last day to sign-up. Hit the link below to get registered and we’ll email you all the details.

Sign-up for the Men’s Bible Reading Challenge

LatestChurch Staff