An Update On God's Work In India

The Unstoppable Grace of God

Back in 2018, Pastor Eric joined with other pastors from our denomination on a trip to India. They went to train and encourage pastors who were leading churches in small towns throughout the countries. One of the pastors in India, JP, traveled over 24 hours to join them and has proved to be a remarkable gospel partner.

We published an update on our international partnerships back in May. In the video linked below, you can hear the most recent update from our sister church, Cross of Grace in El Paso, TX.

Watch the video here.

Praise God, the gospel is still spreading, even in the midst of the pandemic!

LatestChurch Staff
A Few Days Left To Sign Up

Start 2021 Off Right

Gentlemen, the ladies of our church are already making their way through the Bible together. Now, you have the opportunity to read through the New Testament with your brothers.

Reading Scripture is a joy, but it’s also a discipline. A plan and accountability will help you stay on track. That’s why we’re doing this together.

We’ll follow the same schedule, have regular check-ins, share the ways God is meeting us, and celebrate when it’s all done.

Do this for the good of your families, the good of your friends, the good of your neighbors, the good of the church, and the good of your own soul.

Register by Friday

The reading plan starts on January 11th. The deadline to sign-up is this Friday, January 8th. Hit the link below to get registered and we’ll email you all the details.

Sign-up for the Men’s Bible Reading Challenge

Church Staff
The Gospel Goes Forth

A Global Update From Our Partner Churches

As we’ve said from the beginning, the pandemic isn’t slowing down God’s redemptive purposes in the world. The gospel continues to advance.

Let your faith be stirred as you hear an update of the work God is doing around the globe in our denomination.

Read more and watch the video.

It’s a joy to be part of Sovereign Grace Churches.

LatestChurch Staff
Our Weakness And God's Strength

Embrace weakness to magnify the strength of Christ

On Sunday church member Israel Carbajal preached from 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. When we are weak, Christ is our strength. While powerlessness naturally frightens mankind, it is no threat to Christians because we know who is on our side. He graciously lends his strength to those who trust in his grace. Humble, dependent, content Christians find that in every hardship, God provides exactly what they need.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Men's Bible Reading Challenge

Start 2021 Off Right

Gentlemen, the ladies of our church are already making their way through the Bible together. Now, you have the opportunity to read through the New Testament by May with your brothers.

Reading Scripture is a joy, but it’s also a discipline. A plan and accountability will help you stay on track. That’s why we’re doing this.

We’ll follow the same schedule, have regular check-ins, share the ways God is meeting us, and celebrate when it’s all done.

Do this for the good of your families, the good of your friends, the good of your neighbors, the good of the church, and the good of your own soul.

The reading plan starts on January 11th. The deadline to sign-up is next Friday, January 8th. Hit the link below to get registered and we’ll email you all the details.

Sign-up for the Men’s Bible Reading Challenge

Church Staff
A Change To Our Prayer Meetings In 2021

Now Once Per Month

In 2021, our prayer meeting will be held monthly. Join us on the 4th Thursdays as we call upon God to do what only He can do. This is an every-member ministry that pleases God, builds up the church, and prepares all of us for the good things God has in store.

Make the prayer meeting a priority this year.

*If you ever want to check if we’re meeting, head to our master calendar. You can even sync it up with your own calendar so you never miss out.

LatestChurch Staff
A Big Thank You

To Those Who Made Christmas Eve Happen

On Sunday, Pastor Eric gave a brief thank you to those who served on Christmas Eve. Below are the names of those who volunteered at the service. We thank God for their joyful service!

Alice organized the cookie bar.
Christy printed and folded bulletins and took photos.
Dylan led the setup team.
Mike served on the setup team.
Zac served on the setup team.
Ben served on the setup team.
Joey served on the setup team.
Cesar served on the setup team and did one of the Scripture readings.
Caitlin did one of the Scripture readings.
Tanner ran the audio.
Daniel ran the livestream.
Chris served in the band.
Joe served in the band.
Nate served in the band.
Wendy served as a greeter.
Chris served as a greeter.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace…whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 4:10-11

LatestChurch Staff