We're Trying Again

Evening Prayer Meeting

Due to the poor air quality from the fires, we postponed our first prayer meeting. We’re planning to kick it off next Thursday 9/24/2020. Join us as we express our dependence on God and ask him to do what only he can do among us.

Every 2nd & 4th Thursday
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted on the lawn of the Royer Mansion:
307 E Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92866

Church members and friends of the church are welcome to join. Thanks for being a praying church.

LatestChurch Staff
Help And Hope

Life is challenging.

For many, life during the coronavirus has become even more so. Fear of the future. Loneliness and isolation. Financial hardships. Anxiety. Depression. Sickness.

God does not intend for us to face these difficulties alone. His Spirit is in us. His word is written down for us. His church is available to us.

Please do not hesitate to contact our pastors if you’re in need of counseling. It’s never too soon or too late to reach out.

Our friends at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation have made their excellent content available at no cost. CCEF produces biblically faithful, gospel-centered counseling material. They’ve shaped our thinking on the topic profoundly.

Take some time to peruse these articles and videos. Not only will they strengthen your soul, but these brothers and sisters will equip you to faithfully counsel others.

If you’re looking for a place to start, here are a few great options:

LatestChurch Staff
Giving During COVID

The Generous People of a Generous God

Friends, thank you for your continued generosity during the pandemic. God continues to meet all of our needs through you. Our finances are a regular reminder of God’s faithfulness and your generosity.

For safety reasons during the pandemic, we are not receiving an offering on Sundays. You can give to the church online or by mailing a check to our office. Instructions are here.

If you’re in a difficult financial situation, please let us know. We want to help. Learn more and apply for assistance here.

LatestChurch Staff
Beginnings Matter

A Rich Greeting

On Sunday Pastor Dustin began our series in 1 Timothy by preaching 1 Timothy 1:1-2. This brief introduction sets the tone for the whole letter. It’s written on good authority, God recording his words through the pen of the Apostle Paul. It’s written with deep affection. And it’s written in view of the grace, mercy, and peace of our great God and Savior.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Is It Time For Indoor Services?

We Miss the Air Conditioning

With Orange County’s upgrade from the purple tier to the red tier in the state’s risk level tracker, it’s fair to wonder if we’re moving our services back indoors. At this time, the pastoral team plans to keep meeting outside. Outdoor services have no cap on attendance and inside we’d be limited to about 60 people. Our typical attendance is well above 60.

Once Orange County moves to the next tier we can consider indoor services. Until then, we thank you for braving the weather to worship with us and for tuning in online. We’re continuing to pray and anticipate the day we can all safely be back in one place on Sundays.

Head here to check our county’s reopening status.

If you’re confused by the reopening tiers, check out this cheat sheet.

LatestChurch Staff
Do You Need An Invite?

Join Us

Our small groups meet on Wednesday and Friday of next week. Even though we’re meeting online, God is still powerfully using our love, our counsel, and our prayers to build each other up. The coronavirus hasn’t stopped him or his church. Join us for friendship and fellowship.

Get your invite here.

LatestChurch Staff
Our Pastors Pray For You

“But we will devote ourselves to prayer…”
Acts 6:4

Our pastors pray for you. It’s part of their ministry. It’s what God has called them to do. It’s their great joy to do so.

Share with them your needs, concerns, fears, and joys. No need is too big. No praise is too small.

Submit your requests here.

LatestChurch Staff
Fill Your Home With Singing

Singing the truth of the gospel is a joy for Christians. Fortunately for us, God has used many gifted artists to create Christ-centered music. If you’re looking for good music to sing along with, check out these:

LatestChurch Staff