A Great Way To Prepare For Sunday

Our New Study In 1 Timothy

We’ve pressed pause on our series in Genesis to preach through the first letter to Timothy. This letter addresses the health and stability of the local church. It calls us to look to Christ and to live for his glory in the midst of his people. Join us in praying that God blesses our time in this book.

Prepare your heart and mind by prayerfully reading through the entire letter. Grab your family and have them join you.

Below is a link to a distraction-free copy with no chapters or verses or footnotes. You can read the whole thing in just 20-25 minutes. As you do, ask the Lord to open your eyes and prepare your heart to receive his word.

1 Timothy with no chapters, verses, or footnotes.

LatestChurch Staff
All Heroes Are Shadows Of Christ

Consider Abraham
Consider Jesus

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the burial of Abraham from Genesis 25:1-18. Abraham was a true hero, a man who gave himself to something bigger than himself. If we study Abraham, we can’t help but peer ahead to the actual promised Son: Jesus Christ. He is our true hero. He had no flaws. He sacrificed his life for the greatest good: the glory of God through the salvation of sinners.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Heat Advisory

Triple Digits This Sunday

The forecasted temperature during our service this week is up around 100 degrees. It’s going to be a scorcher.

Our service is still on. We’ll have shade and cold water bottles to make the heat a little less unbearable. But be sure to dress accordingly and hydrate beforehand. And as always our livestream is available if coming out in the heat isn’t possible for you.

LatestChurch Staff
Read Scripture With Your Sisters

Everyone Needs A Plan

Join Kirsi and the women of Sovereign Grace Church in a 2020-2021 Bible Reading Challenge. You’ll cover the entire bible by May with catch-up days built-in.

If you already have a bible reading plan, that’s great! Keep at it.

But if you want to get started or restarted with your bible reading, now is the time. Use the link below to get all the info. Contact Kirsi with your questions.

Bible Reading Plan

The plan starts Monday, September 7th

And gentlemen, in case you don’t want to be left out, it’s available for men as well.

LatestChurch Staff
Get Our Prayer Meeting On Your Schedule

“When God has something very great to accomplish for his church, it is his will that there should precede it the extraordinary prayers of his people.”
-Jonathan Edwards

Prayer is the air we breathe. Through our prayers, God strengthens our souls and accomplishes his purposes in the world. That’s why in September we’ll be gathering outside on Thursday evenings for a regular prayer meeting.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted on the lawn of the Royer Mansion:
307 E Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92866

Church members and friends of the church are welcome to join. Mark your calendars now and join us for our first meeting on September 10th.

LatestChurch Staff
Don't Miss Out

Get the Church Calendar On Your Calendar

We’re getting busier this Fall with a new prayer meeting, small groups, one-on-ones, and more! We know you don’t want to miss out. That’s why we have a syncable public calendar with all the church events on it. Use this to make sure you’re a part of the good things God is doing as our church gathers week in and week out.

See the church master calendar.
Instructions for adding the church master calendar to your calendar.

Thanks for making our life together a priority!

LatestChurch Staff