What Are We Up To?

Life has changed. Kids are home from school and parents are home from work. Events and hangouts are canceled. It’s tough.

We’re regularly providing a window into the lives of our church members through the photos below. It’s a sweet reminder that we’re weathering this pandemic together.

We’d love to include you in a future post! Send your pictures to photos@sovgraceoc.org with a brief description.

“Jon has been enjoying working from home and his new coworker doesn’t mind it either.” -Jon and Julia P


“When I was sent home from work, I created a workstation from a folding table, personal and work computers, and Amazon boxes. I am thankful it’s working out. I set up in the living room so that I wouldn’t feel confined in my room all day, and my roommates have been kind to let me invade the common space.” -Zac D


“I was laid off from my job a couple weeks back. Job hunts can be disheartening. But I’m thankful to have prayerful folks and encouraging words.” -Daniel C

“Our kids have come to love shaving cream baths!” -Luke and Allison W


“This photo is from Jason’s first day working at home. He manages a small chain of coffee shps in Orange County. He’s still be going in to work a few days a week, but will be working from home a couple days too. Rae is excited for a little more daddy time.” -Kayleigh and Jason R


“In this photo, I’m heading out with my son Daniel to get some exercise. My wife and I are busy working from home and trying to keep Daniel busy too. I’m transitioning into a new job. Our days are filled with working, cooking, cleaning, playing, talking to the family over FaceTime, and praying. We miss everyone and hope to see you soon.” -Ali and Mina D


“Not solving the world’s problem, but tackling customers’ problems one at a time remotely from kitchen table.” -Tanner G


“Mike is working from home for the city of Irvine’s transit department. Ben is working temporarily as an animator for his company. Joey is a student at UCI, so he’s listening to online lectures. I just finished puzzle number four. And our dog Tawnie is determined to sleep through the whole quarantine!” -Lois D

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Thursday Night Live Recap

Our fourth Thursday Night Live call was a blast. We quizzed you on the history of our church (congrats to Dylan and Christy Sohie for emerging victorious)! We heard life updates from three church members. And we engaged in an extended Q&A with the pastors.

Below are a few links to resources we discussed on the call:

LatestChurch Staff
Thursday Night Live Week 4

We’ll See You Thursday!

While our services and events are canceled, we’re hosting a weekly video call on Thursdays from 8pm-9pm with the pastors. It’s a regular opportunity to receive updates and engage with your pastors and fellow church members. It’s no replacement for being together, but it’s a gift for this season.

Last week we talked about how to engage with information and news related to the virus.

This week, a couple of things you should be aware of:

  • We’re quizzing you on the history of the church. There’s really nothing you can do to prep. Be ready!

  • We’re having an extended Q&A with the pastors. Ask whatever you want. Join the call with your questions, or, better yet, email your questions to the church office ahead of time.

Tomorrow we will email a link to all church members and regular attenders in our directory. If you’re a regular attender of Sovereign Grace Church and would like to be included, please fill out this form and we’ll make sure you’re on our distribution list.

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Sunday Morning Live This Week

Christ is Risen
He is Risen Indeed

This Sunday is Easter which means we begin Sunday Morning Live - an all-church video call with teaching, praying, and sharing. We’ve opted for a video call because it allows you to participate rather than just spectate. Even while we’re apart, our pastors want to preserve the every-member-ministry of our church.

Here’s a snapshot of what we have planned for this Sunday:

  • A best-dressed competition. Wear your Sunday best and we’ll take a poll to see whose outfit made the biggest impression.

  • An all-church Zoom photo.

  • A conversion story from a church member.

  • A directed prayer from a church member.

  • Scripture reading and teaching.

  • Open response time for the church.

Every church member and regular attender in our church directory will receive an email invitation to the call this Friday. Email the church office to be added to our distribution list.

We will see you Sunday!

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Singing While We're Separated

“Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
    and let us exalt his name together!”
Psalm 34:3

Singing the truth of the gospel is part of our ministry to one another (Col 3:16). Every Sunday morning as we gladly lift our voices together, God uses the sound of our singing to minister to our souls.

While the restrictions of the coronavirus keep us from hearing one another singing, there are a few other ways you can sing the gospel from home:

May God increase our anticipation for the day we can again lift our voices together to our Savior.

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Our Final Sunday Guide

Sunday Guide #4

This coming Sunday morning at 10:30am we’ll email you our fourth and final Sunday Guide. You’ll receive a brief video update from a pastor, a biblical meditation on the church, and a list of specific prayer requests. Snap a photo and post it online with the hashtag #otosundays. All you need to do is make sure you’re subscribed to our blog.

Use this moment to meet with the Lord and stir your heart for the day we gather together again.

Beginning on Easter Sunday, we launch Sunday Morning Live.

LatestChurch Staff
Christians And COVID News

Our discussion topic for last night’s call was information. How should we collect and process news about the coronavirus? Which news sources are useful? How much news is too much? Can we trust God and stay informed?

We want to ensure that God’s perspective, presented to us in scripture, is the perspective we lean on most. He alone can give us faith, confidence, and hope. Beyond that, we need to exercise wisdom. Here are a few simple encouragements the pastors offered:

  • Know your limits.

  • Be discerning.

  • Avoid foolish talk.

  • Use news as a launchpad for prayer.

  • If it makes you anxious, make a change.

Church Staff