Oh, How Good It Is

Come prepared to sing a new song with us this Sunday. Oh, How Good It Is celebrates fellowship of the church. May God use it to remind us what a privilege it is to be among his people.

Listen to the song.


Verse 1
Oh how good it is
When the family of God
Dwells together in spirit
In faith and unity
Where the bonds of peace
Of acceptance and love
Are the fruit of His presence
Here among us

So with one voice we’ll sing to the Lord
And with one heart we’ll live out His word
Till the whole earth sees
The Redeemer has come
For He dwells in the presence of His people

Verse 2
Oh how good it is
On this journey we share
To rejoice with the happy
And weep with those who mourn
For the weak find strength
The afflicted find grace
When we offer the blessing
Of belonging

Verse 3
Oh how good it is
To embrace His command
To prefer one another
Forgive as He forgives.
When we live as one
We all share in the love
Of the Son with the Father
And the Spirit

LatestChurch Staff
The Men Could Still Use Your Prayers

Our men are about halfway through their retreat in Idyllwild, CA. We are all still praying for them. Here are 6 things you can join us in praying:

  1. That God would deepen the relationships between the men in the three Sovereign Grace CA churches.

  2. That God would use Ben Kreps, the guest speaker, to apply biblical truth to the men in a powerful and pointed way.

  3. That God would strengthen men who are struggling and in need of care.

  4. That God would use the examples of older men to give young men a vision of what godly masculinity looks like.

  5. That God would save men in attendance that aren’t yet Christians.

  6. That God would bless the families who’ve sent men on the retreat.

LatestChurch Staff
5 Ways To Pray For Our Men's Retreat

T-minus 2 days

On Thursday, the men of our church make the trek to Idyllwild, CA for our every-other-year men’s retreat. They’ve made plans, but we are all eager for God to accomplish what only he can accomplish in their lives. Here are five things you can join us in praying:

  1. That God would deepen the relationships between the men in the three Sovereign Grace CA churches.

  2. That God would use Ben Kreps, the guest speaker, to apply biblical truth to the men in a powerful and pointed way.

  3. That God would strengthen men who are struggling and in need of care.

  4. That God would use the examples of older men to give young men a vision of what godly masculinity looks like.

  5. That God would save men who aren’t Christians who attend the retreat.

LatestChurch Staff
Don't Miss Out

Get the Church Calendar On Your Calendar

We know your lives are busy. We know you want to be a part of what’s going on at Sovereign Grace Church. That’s why we have a syncable public calendar with all the church events on it. Use this as a tool to ensure you don’t miss out on the good things God is doing as our church gathers week in and week out.

See the church master calendar.
Instructions for adding the church master calendar to your calendar.

Thanks for making our life together a priority.

LatestChurch Staff
Pastors Help Us Suffer Well

Your Pastors Love You

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 5:1-5. Pastors are one of the means God uses to help us persevere through suffering. The Chief Shepherd gives us undershepherds who know us personally, sacrifice for us, and point us to our living hope.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Save These Dates

Two of our favorite annual events

Sunday, March 8th is our annual communion service. Daylight savings kicks in and we give you 7 extra hours of sleep. We cancel the morning service and invite you to join us in the evening for a meal focused on the Lord’s Supper.

Sunday, March 29th is our annual freestyle chili cook-off. If you call it chili, we will judge it. There’s food. There’s fun. This will be one for the books.

Mark your calendars

LatestChurch Staff
Bless Kids And Their Families

Be a huge blessing by playing with kids for 1 hour per month

We are on the lookout for more children’s ministry volunteers. You don't need to have any superpowers. You just need to have a heart to serve families by keeping their kids engaged for 45 minutes to an hour. The commitment is one Sunday per month.

Review our children's ministry documents and then fill out an application to get the process started.