Posts in Weekly Recap
Guest Reception This Sunday

Lunch is on us.

If you are a recent guest, first-time attender, just passing through, or have been around a couple weeks but haven't yet been to a guest luncheon, then please be our guest! Join us this Sunday, 06-14-15, immediately following the service, for a luncheon in the Woman's Club Garden.

We'd love to get to know you better.

The format is "come-and-go as you please" and kids are welcome. More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!

Reflecting On The West SGC Pastors Retreat

Regional Assembly of Elders

Last week, pastors from every Sovereign Grace church in the Western region of the U.S. participated in a retreat. Two days of discussion, debate, strategy, and fellowship. An important couple days in the life of our little denomination.

You can read all about how our sister churches govern themselves here. However, the Book of Church Order will never help you fully understand how good it is to be part of something bigger than your local church. Retreats like these remind us why we choose to partner with these men and their churches. The following is a partial list of things we accomplished:

  • Updates on every church in the region.
  • New Pastor introductions.
  • The coordination of shared strategic events.
  • Voting on important issues.
  • Discussions regarding outreach and evangelism.

One of the highlights of the retreat was listening to two pastors who together have over 60 years of experience. And they've done it all in the context of our denomination. You don't get this kind of mentoring online or at seminary. These men have shared their very lives with us.

Grace's Story

Shared this last Sunday...

Today is a bittersweet day.

I leave for graduate school today and must say goodbye. Of course, I'll always keep tabs on you (creepily on Facebook), but it won't be the same.

Today is also a sweet because my departure has prompted me to reflect on all my memories of you and to say thank you. I am deeply grateful to God for you. He has always been so careful and intentional in the way He placed people in my life. And for the past few years, those people have been you.

Five years ago, I began a new chapter of my life as a post-undergraduate, not truly knowing where I was being called vocationally or geographically. I had a deep sense of wanderlust, and it was hard to be content returning home to Orange County. But God's plans were better than my plans.

My time here felt like a balancing act. I was working a few jobs, interning, and going to school. I often worried I was working hard for nothing, feeling incompetent and unaccomplished, and feeling insecure about my abilities in school and the workplace. There was an unsaid expectation to perform up to a standard that I, and what I perceived as others, had expected of me. I felt as though I was getting pulled apart and thinned out because I was placing my identity in all of the things I was doing. I quickly realized I was unable to depend on my own inner strength.

This is where you come in.

You never stopped declaring the truth of the Gospel of Jesus from the day I arrived. You preached it from the pulpit. You demonstrated it through your lives. You reminded me time and time again that Jesus Christ is my identity every minute of every day. I'm not defined by my work, my school, my issues, or my emotions. I am deeply love by the one who saved me from the worst thing in this life and in the life to come. You became to me a reflection of this reality.

Thank you all for encouraging my faith and reflecting Christ to me.

It is my prayer that God would continue to plant the Gospel deeper into all of your hearts so that the fruits of His work would be all-encompassing in every aspect of your life, and evident and enjoyed by those around you. Thank you for being part of my life, I love you all, and will miss you greatly! 

Regional Pastors Retreat

Please pray.

Pastors from our sister churches throughout the western United States are meeting together this week in Phoenix, AZ. Pastor Eric is participating.

This time is set aside regularly for them to function as our U.S. West Regional Assembly of Elders. They pray, study, care for one another, coordinate resources, and strategize together. Please pray that God would meet them as they labor this week for God and us.

Read more about our denomination here.