Reflecting On The West SGC Pastors Retreat

Regional Assembly of Elders

Last week, pastors from every Sovereign Grace church in the Western region of the U.S. participated in a retreat. Two days of discussion, debate, strategy, and fellowship. An important couple days in the life of our little denomination.

You can read all about how our sister churches govern themselves here. However, the Book of Church Order will never help you fully understand how good it is to be part of something bigger than your local church. Retreats like these remind us why we choose to partner with these men and their churches. The following is a partial list of things we accomplished:

  • Updates on every church in the region.
  • New Pastor introductions.
  • The coordination of shared strategic events.
  • Voting on important issues.
  • Discussions regarding outreach and evangelism.

One of the highlights of the retreat was listening to two pastors who together have over 60 years of experience. And they've done it all in the context of our denomination. You don't get this kind of mentoring online or at seminary. These men have shared their very lives with us.