Posts in Weekly Recap
They Labor For Us To Love Jesus
Roger preparing for Easter after work - Friday, April 3

Roger preparing for Easter after work - Friday, April 3

The Sunday morning parade.

One of the best things about our church is the variety of volunteer, servant-leaders that minister to us publicly every Sunday. We aren't the only ones who do this, but it sure makes our Sundays special. It's a like a parade of friends, each taking their turn to spur on greater love for Jesus.

Some weeks we see upwards of 6 or more volunteers leading different parts of our service, and this doesn't even account for the musicians, ushers, and other supporting roles. All of this comes at a real cost...we are only seeing the final product. People have been preparing all week in private. The public moment is the tip of the iceberg.

We are not professionals.

Thank you. All of you. Thanks for making our Sunday worship service some of the best 2 hours in Orange, CA every week.

Dylan's Poem From Easter Sunday

To Jerusalem He set His face,

Before all things were formed,

to come and save the wretched race,

that all his justice scorned.


To Jerusalem He set His face,

A way before him now prepared,

and the will of God embraced,

A world so long by sin ensnared


To Jerusalem He set His face,

God among us come to dwell,

Who pierced the ends of love to trace,

the very joy that heavens tell



To Jerusalem he set His face,

and so gazed his knowing eyes,

On the cup that He would taste,

that would bring his own demise



To Jerusalem he set His face,

And walked He hither still,

In submitted stride and pace,

To His Father's perfect will.


To Jerusalem he set his face

as he descends upon the hill,

as "Hosanna" sings the sovereign grace,

that would cause his blood to spill.


To Jerusalem he set his face,

Against that fated mount,

where he came to all disgrace,

And his blood flowed as a fount.


To Jerusalem he set his face,

God now hanging on the tree,

and here the Father now forsakes,

His Son to die and bleed.


To Jerusalem he set his face,

As he bore our griefs and pains

Who now stands to plead our case

and wash all our crimson stains.


So now sinners come and see,

And set your face alike,

Look now to him who sets you free

To your bleeding sacrifice.

Can Rich People Go To Heaven?
Recent Newcomers Class - Chapman Chapel

Recent Newcomers Class - Chapman Chapel

The Rich Young Ruler

Pastor Eric preached this past Sunday from Mark 10:17-31, a familiar story with an important question. "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

The man who asked the question was rich, young, and powerful...the complete package. Yet he was still looking for something else. Something even the little children had a few verses prior, when Jesus said “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."

It turns out the children lacked nothing while he lacked everything.

His heart (not his money) was on trial.

So when Jesus instructed him to sell all his possessions, He wasn't saying we can sell our way into heaven. He was making the man an offer. "Your or your money." Your kingdom on earth or my kingdom in heaven. The rich young ruler chose his money.

"And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!”" (Mark 10:23 ESV)

Who can be saved?

If this man missed the kingdom (and he had everything going for himself), we should all be asking "What hope does anyone have of being saved?" Morality, wealth, and status are no substitute for Jesus. What can we do? What can a rich person do?

And that leads us to some of the most encouraging words broken, sinful people like us could ever read...

“With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27 ESV)

Listen to the sermon here.

Investing in Our Mission

Missions in New Testament was profoundly church-centered. It's why Paul was sent from local churches and received into churches. It’s why his labors resulted in churches and his letters were addressed to churches. It’s why the aim of missions was never to separate from the church, but to result in the church.

We are a church-planting church.

This is why our ambitions spread beyond Old Towne Orange. We believe in establishing Gospel-proclaiming churches wherever God leads us. We believe God is still saving people and arranging them into local congregations. We are eager to participate and play our small part and are pleased to report that this month we began doing so financially.

10 percent.

Beginning this month, our church is now setting aside 10 percent of our general budget for extra-local missions.  We've started by contributing to our denomination's Mission Fund and hope it can expand from there. For a young church with many local needs, this isn't simply a line item on a spreadsheet. This is an act of faith.

Thank you for giving. Thank you for living for Jesus. May everyone experience the pleasure of the Lord. May the Lord use our gifts to spread His fame around the world.

Weekly RecapChurch Staff
Two Ways to Give

Video Campaign

We've outgrown our existing Sunday projection equipment and need your help. Please consider giving towards the purchase of a new system that will meet our needs and enable us to reach more of our city. It's hard to sing when you can't see the lyrics from the back (or middle).

  • New Rear Projection Screen
  • Refurbished iMac Computer
  • ProPresenter Media Projection Software

Thanks to everyone who has given. We are getting close to reaching our budget. Every gift makes a difference.

Give now by credit card.

Give Sunday by writing "video" on your check or envelope.

Mark Your Calendars

Jesus made us family. Sundays make us happy.


Let The Children Come To Jesus

"Hearts like children, minds like adults."

C.S. Lewis once said this was the kind of people that belonged to Jesus. He was searching for men and women who were child-like, not childish. People who trust him like a child trusts his Father, but labor to come to a mature understanding of the one they trust.

The disciples had it the other way around. They portrayed Jesus as unaccessible, disinterested, and unable to help. They were the insiders. They were the special people.. Children weren't a priority because children weren't important. Children were the least. The nothings.

"They belong to me and I belong to them."

Sovereign Grace must be the kind of place where the least among us are invited in. Where the nothings are treated as somethings. Where the people we think probably don't belong at Sovereign Grace belong indeed. Why? Because this is us. We are the child-like. 

Listen to more of Pastor Eric sermon here.