Investing in Our Mission
Christ Church South Philadelphia - 1 Year Old
Missions in New Testament was profoundly church-centered. It's why Paul was sent from local churches and received into churches. It’s why his labors resulted in churches and his letters were addressed to churches. It’s why the aim of missions was never to separate from the church, but to result in the church.
We are a church-planting church.
This is why our ambitions spread beyond Old Towne Orange. We believe in establishing Gospel-proclaiming churches wherever God leads us. We believe God is still saving people and arranging them into local congregations. We are eager to participate and play our small part and are pleased to report that this month we began doing so financially.
10 percent.
Beginning this month, our church is now setting aside 10 percent of our general budget for extra-local missions. We've started by contributing to our denomination's Mission Fund and hope it can expand from there. For a young church with many local needs, this isn't simply a line item on a spreadsheet. This is an act of faith.
Thank you for giving. Thank you for living for Jesus. May everyone experience the pleasure of the Lord. May the Lord use our gifts to spread His fame around the world.