Posts in Weekly Recap
Give That Others Might See (The Lyrics)

"We will watch Star Wars."

A few weeks ago we announced plans to purchase new video projection equipment. Pastor Eric said, "It'd probably be helpful going forward if we could actually see the words to the songs. We may be intentionally plain and simple, but let's not make the lyrics invisible." Then we hit rewind.

Now we are ready to finish what we started. Please pray and consider giving to this project. We need $2000 to complete a projection system that will meet our needs for the indefinite future.

  • New Rear Projection Screen
  • Refurbished iMac Computer
  • ProPresenter Media Projection Software

As soon as we reach our fundraising goal, we will stop receiving donations and announce the date of our Star Wars Celebration. Thank you for being so generous. Thank you to all those who keep asking "What do we need?" Your financial sacrifices are bearing good fruit in us and our city.

Click here to give here online now.

Or give during the Sunday offering (write "video" in the memo).

Guest Reception This Sunday

Lunch is on us.

If you are a recent guest, first-time attender, just passing through, or have been around for a couple weeks but haven't yet been to a guest luncheon, then please be our guest! Join us this Sunday, 03-22-15, immediately following the service, for a luncheon in the Woman's Club Garden.

We'd love to get to know you better.

The format is "come-and-go as you please" and kids are welcome. More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!

All-You-Can-Eat Donut Buffet

"I ate too many donuts on Easters," said no one never.

We love to make memories on Easter Sunday. It's the perfect day to celebrate our new shared life together, as we celebrate the indestructible life of Jesus. This year we bring you the worst-best-gastrological idea yet...

The All-You-Can-Eat Donut Buffet*

Join us during the Sunday School hour (class is canceled on Easter) for donuts and fellowship. Invite your friends if they are donut-friendly. The early bird gets the chocolate sprinkles.

*Parents, please supervise your own children. We aren't responsible for spontaneous donut meltdowns. :)


Let Marriage Be Held In Honor Among Us

A Six Week Study.

Join Jim and Angie (hosts) for a six week study designed to strengthen your marriage. Using the video series titled "The Art of Marriage", you'll spend time learning together in the group and alone as couples. This is a great way to grow healthy marriages in the context of community, learning from teachers like Wayne Grudem, Al Mohler, and Paul Tripp.

The next group meets 2nd and 4th Fridays, March 27th through June 26th at Jim and Angie's residence. There is no childcare provided and the cost is $10 per couple.

Beginning March 27th, 7pm.

Email the host for more info and registration.

Rewinding the Video Campaign

We will watch Star Wars.

Last Sunday we announced plans to raise the money to purchase some new video projection equipment for our Sunday services. As Pastor Eric said, "It'd probably be helpful going forward if we could actually see the words to the songs. We may be intentionally plain and simple, but let's not make the lyrics invisible."

So as of 11:00am on Sunday, our intention was to ask you to give beyond your regular giving. Give so we can sing. Give so guests can be saved. Give so that the gospel might advance as we "gear up" for ministry in Old Towne Orange.

God beat you to the punch.

However, our plans unraveled as one individual came forward to "pay for it personally". And whoever you are thinking that person is right now, you're wrong. You don't know them. They simply said "I see what is happening here and God is calling me to help."

So stay tuned. We'll keep you posted. We are going to still need more gear to make this happen. When we are all finished we'll take a Sunday afternoon to bask in the glow of God's new screen and watch Luke Skywalker act like he doesn't know who his father is.

Thankful For Rachel

We thank God for you.

Last Sunday was Rachel's first Sunday on the worship team. Thanks Rachel for all that you are doing to use your gifts to bless our church. Singing for Jesus on Sundays in Old Towne Orange at Sovereign Grace Church is the best!