Rewinding the Video Campaign

We will watch Star Wars.

Last Sunday we announced plans to raise the money to purchase some new video projection equipment for our Sunday services. As Pastor Eric said, "It'd probably be helpful going forward if we could actually see the words to the songs. We may be intentionally plain and simple, but let's not make the lyrics invisible."

So as of 11:00am on Sunday, our intention was to ask you to give beyond your regular giving. Give so we can sing. Give so guests can be saved. Give so that the gospel might advance as we "gear up" for ministry in Old Towne Orange.

God beat you to the punch.

However, our plans unraveled as one individual came forward to "pay for it personally". And whoever you are thinking that person is right now, you're wrong. You don't know them. They simply said "I see what is happening here and God is calling me to help."

So stay tuned. We'll keep you posted. We are going to still need more gear to make this happen. When we are all finished we'll take a Sunday afternoon to bask in the glow of God's new screen and watch Luke Skywalker act like he doesn't know who his father is.