Posts in Weekly Recap
We Size One Another Up

“If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35 ESV)

Last Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Mark 9 and the interchange between Jesus and his disciples over greatness. What truly makes a person great? How is greatness measured? And how does this shape our relationship with others, especially those we only know from a distance?

The irony was that the disciples were arguing about greatness while walking with the greatest man who has ever lived. You would think His presence would have humbled his disciples, but it didn't. And still doesn't.

We size one another up.

"...from the first moment when a man meets another person he is looking for a strategic position he can assume and hold over against that person...all this can occur in the most polite or even pious environment.

The important thing is that a Christian community should know that somewhere in it there will certainly be "a reasoning among them, which of them should be the greatest." It is the struggle of the natural man for self-justification. He finds it only in comparing himself with others, in condemning and judging others. Self-justification and judging others go together, as justification by grace and serving others go together." (Dietrich Bonhoffer, Life Together)


When A Pastor Calls In Sick

From Pastor Eric...

My whole family stayed home sick with the flu last Sunday, including me. We have never needed to do this and it turned out to be one of the hardest things I've done as a pastor in a long time. Let me tell you why...

  1. We were sick. Really! You don't want what we got.
  2. We missed our friends. It felt like we were missing a party.
  3. We love singing, learning, fellowship, and even the serving. 
  4. I am a proud preacher.

Number 4 made for a weepy pastor on Saturday night. 

I have never needed to tap out. I've always been able to push through and preach. And if not for the help of a little virus, I think I would have missed the lesson from "my" sermon last Sunday.

The disciples asked Jesus about their failed attempt to cast out a demon. “Why could we not cast it out?” And Jesus answered “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” (Mark 9:28-29 ESV)

Thanks you Lucas for preaching and Dustin for leading worship (did you know we had a sick worship leader too?). I love how everyone kept saying "We will be fine. Stay home."  No kidding. That was the easy part.

We Love Meeting Our Friend's Families

Jordan's sisters.

There is lots to enjoy about the holidays, but if we could (collectively) pick one thing it might be meeting our friend's families.

Thanks for bringing your families to church. There's nothing sweeter than seeing a younger sister tugging on the arm of a dear friend. Or a mother or father who visits us every year or's like a family reunion.


My first Sunday Here

David shared this testimony last Sunday...

My first Sunday here was like nothing I had ever experienced. I was surrounded by some of the most loving people I had ever met and the sermon was drenched in the gospel. I decided that morning that you would be my new home and I never left. That was years ago.

Now God is calling me to serve in the Air Force and it’s difficult to communicate what you have meant to me. I certainly look forward to what God has planned for me in the service. And please pray for me!

Pray that God would bring me other Christians to fellowship with and that together we can be a light to the military community.

Yet I will always remember you.

Some of you have become like mothers to me, others like fathers and brothers and sisters. Your love for me was part of how God changed me. I won’t soon forget.

I will also miss having the youth of this church running and giving me a hug every Sunday when they saw me. A single man needs to be part of families. It helps ground us. It helps us feel like we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Thank you for sharing with me. I won’t forget this either.

You are my family.

You make God look great.

Please keep loving men like me. Make room for us in your lives and this church.  God is using you. It makes all the difference.

New Years Recommendations

New Years is a great time to evaluate the past and plan for the future. As Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." Here are a few resources to get you started.

Bible Reading Plans

Spend more time reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on scripture. Tim Challies provides a good roundup.

52 Sundays

Develop a commitment to worshiping with the church. There is a strong correlation between church attendance and spiritual health. Here's a list of articles from our 2014 plan.

Biblical Friendships

Our relationship with other christians is often more important than we think. And takes more effort too. Buy this book and resolve to build better friends this year.

Join A Ministry Team

Be who God has called you to be: a saint busy with the work of ministry (Ephesians 4), walking in good works (Ephesians 2), always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15). Go here to connect with a ministry team leader.

Be Accountable

Invite your friends into your life online. You'll be spending a lot of 2015 consuming media. Check out our free offer to every member of Sovereign Grace Church.


Born Was The Cornerstone

"Christ was born a martyr…Christmas-day and Good Friday are but the evening and morning of one and the same day." (John Donne)

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff