When A Pastor Calls In Sick

From Pastor Eric...

My whole family stayed home sick with the flu last Sunday, including me. We have never needed to do this and it turned out to be one of the hardest things I've done as a pastor in a long time. Let me tell you why...

  1. We were sick. Really! You don't want what we got.
  2. We missed our friends. It felt like we were missing a party.
  3. We love singing, learning, fellowship, and even the serving. 
  4. I am a proud preacher.

Number 4 made for a weepy pastor on Saturday night. 

I have never needed to tap out. I've always been able to push through and preach. And if not for the help of a little virus, I think I would have missed the lesson from "my" sermon last Sunday.

The disciples asked Jesus about their failed attempt to cast out a demon. “Why could we not cast it out?” And Jesus answered “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” (Mark 9:28-29 ESV)

Thanks you Lucas for preaching and Dustin for leading worship (did you know we had a sick worship leader too?). I love how everyone kept saying "We will be fine. Stay home."  No kidding. That was the easy part.