Posts in Weekly Recap
Sunday in Review

1. WorshipGod Sunday -  On June 20th, Bob Kauflin from Sovereign Grace Music will be preaching on The Glory of God as the Motivation for Missions.  We will also have Matt Boswell (a worship leader from Dallas) leading us in song!  This is the perfect time to invite guests.

2. Covenant Eyes - Last week we began offering every member a free account to Covenant Eyes, an internet accountability service. If you will use it, we will pay for it.  More information available here.

3. Baptisms - This Sunday we will celebrate three baptisms at the end of the service. If you are new to the church or to the christian faith, you can learn more about the sacraments here.

Another opportunity to hear Pastor Eric teach from Mark.



Sunday In Review

1.   Church Members Meeting - We had a great turn out after church on Sunday and discussed a few items.  Check out the notes or find out more information about this meeting here.


2.  Thanks for sending our Pastors and Intern to Phoenix for the Regional Assembly of Elders retreat. There was much encouragement and a great time was had by all.  Please continue to pray for our shared mission as we partner with Sovereign Grace Churches.


3.  High School Graduates - Annalise Benner and Peter Cunningham where prayed over as they were recognized as our graduates this year.  Annalise shared about her high school experience and encouraged those still in school to continue on with a grateful attitude.


Here is Pastor Eric bringing us encouragement from Mark.

Sunday In Review

1.  Our Church Intern - Graduated with his masters degree in Biblical Studies this past Friday from The Master's College.  A celebration will take place this Saturday.  For more information contact the church office.

2.  Redeeming Grace Church - Thank you for sending Pastor Eric to Indio to preach and encourage our fellow believers.  

You can listen to David preach from 1 Peter or listen to Pastor Eric as he taught from Mark 1.  

Sunday In Review

1.  Camps and more:  There is a lot going on this summer at Sovereign Grace OC.  Get on the website and sign-up for all the fun activities, camps and conferences!  Check it all out here!


2.  Pray for our Pastor and Intern:  Pastor Eric will be preaching at Redeeming Grace Church in Indio, CA this week.  This church was planted by David Palmer and friends about nine months ago.  He has been invited to come out and encourage them in their work.  Pray they are refreshed, and that our partnership with them grows.   Also, be praying for our intern, David Christensen as he preaches from 1 Peter.


Listen again as Pastor Eric teaches from Mark

Sunday in Review

1.  Original Jesus - We gave away a free book to guests this past Sunday.  If you would like a copy we have some available for $2 each.  Check out the bookstore for more information.  


2.  Welcome - Bliss Evangeline Enge was born Thursday and joined us for her first Easter service.  Congratulations Enge Family!! 


3.  WorshipGod 2014 - We are hosting Sovereign Grace Ministries bi-annual worship conference this summer!  July 16-19.  Invite friends or sign-up to volunteer.  In addition to this conference, there will be a Songwriters Camp with Steve and Vikki Cook right here in Old Towne Orange.  More information to come.

4.  Beach Camp - This summers Church Beach Camp in Santa Barbara is already half way sold out!  If you would like to join us please get online soon to register.  We will be opening it up to friends soon!!


5.  Chili Cook-off - Mark your calendars for our Second Annual Freestyle Chili Cook-off at Hart Park.   Sunday - August 24th.  Get those recipes out and ready to be judged!  You won't want to miss Pastor Eric's latest creation...…The Four Chili's of the Apocalypse!!


Pastor Eric began a new series in Mark - listen as he brings us Jesus!  Mark 1:1-15

Sunday in Review

1.  Sunday Morning Prayer: Every Sunday - 9:45 am in the garden we meet to ask God to bless us and be glorified in all we do on Sundays.  All are welcome!


2.  Book Recommendation:  Why We Love the Church: In praise of institutions and organized religion.  This book fits in with our current sermon series on church government.   Everyone will enjoy it, but more specifically for those struggling with organized church in particular.
If you’re questioning why we need to be a church! Or why you need to “go to church”! This book is for you. Check out the bookstore after today's service.


3.  Tea.ology:  Join us for our monthly gathering of women talking like women about.  7 pm in Old Towne Orange.  


Listen as Pastor Eric teaches about Deacons in his second of a three part series on Church Government.  

Sunday in Review

1.  Beach Camp:  Join us as we head to Refugio in Santa Barbara and close out the summer with a couple days of vacation together.  Registration is now open for the first 80 church members and regular attendees.

2.  Online Giving:  We have always had it, but it was so well hidden not even a hacker could find it.  But no more!  We have set up a new service with a link on our homepage.  

Want to hear the first of our new series on Church Government, here it is!

Sunday in Review

1.  Starting Point:  A new Starting Point class will begin March 2 at 10am!  This is a great way to get to know our church better, get some time with the pastoral team, and (if you want) begin the process of becoming a church member.  All the information is online and you can apply Get online to learn more and find the curriculum we will be going through.  Register today!!


2.  Youth Mentorships:  We are rolling out a new program for Junior and Senior High students!
Short term, directed, one-on-one study with a qualified older brother or sister.  This is a great way for young people in the church to begin to spread their wings a bit and build purposeful relationships with older Christians in the church.  Not a substitute for parents but rather an aid.  All the information is available online and you can apply for a mentorship today! 


3.  Prayer Request:  Please be praying for Pastor Eric this week as he has been invited to speak to a college fellowship at UCI this Wednesday night. Crossroads Campus Ministries.  He will be talking about the topic, “Saved by Grace”.  This is a great opportunity to share what we believe.


Listen again to the last of David Christensen's series on Jude.