Sunday in Review

1.  Sunday Morning Prayer: Every Sunday - 9:45 am in the garden we meet to ask God to bless us and be glorified in all we do on Sundays.  All are welcome!


2.  Book Recommendation:  Why We Love the Church: In praise of institutions and organized religion.  This book fits in with our current sermon series on church government.   Everyone will enjoy it, but more specifically for those struggling with organized church in particular.
If you’re questioning why we need to be a church! Or why you need to “go to church”! This book is for you. Check out the bookstore after today's service.


3.  Tea.ology:  Join us for our monthly gathering of women talking like women about.  7 pm in Old Towne Orange.  


Listen as Pastor Eric teaches about Deacons in his second of a three part series on Church Government.