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Goodbye Jordan

Jordan shared the following during our Sunday service...

Today I head home to Minnesota. 

I came out to California two years ago to have an adventure, to get uncomfortable, and to learn as much as I could about music. Now I’m returning home now to put it all into practice. I'm excited to return to my family, I'm excited to return to snow (however inadequate you've made me to now endure it), and I'm excited to be writing songs for my second album.

It's hard to say goodbye.

If it wasn’t hard, I probably wouldn't be nearly as grateful as I am at this moment. By God’s grace at work in you, I’ve had it really good in California. Here are just a few ways you've blessed me...

You sing a passionate gospel.

You sing loudly, exuberantly. You sing like you have a reason to sing. You sing and the joy of Christ is written across all of your faces. 

You live a passionate gospel.

I love that this church doesn’t begin when the countdown clock hits zero, and it doesn’t end when the service ends. You’re here hours early, stay late, and when you leave this building to walk out into Old Towne every Sunday to have lunch together. This isn't the norm.

You are eager to serve, eager to equip, eager to see every part of the body working together. You joyfully and humbly raise each other up. You practice hospitality. You welcome strangers in and are generous with your private lives.

I thank God for you.

Fast Friends

Last Sunday we said goodbye to a family that was with us only 11 months. They pressed in quickly and began sharing their lives with us...and it paid off. Last year they were strangers. This year they are old friends.

Dominic and Ashley shared...

We moved to California knowing nobody, leaving our family and a church we loved deeply. I would be lying if I said it was easy. It wasn't. Yet we will never forget the friends we met here, and we are extremely grateful for how loved we have been by all of you here. Thank you.

Anne's First Week At Work

Anne begins her new role as an Executive Assistant this week. She shared the following last Sunday...

It is an honor to be your new Executive Assistant. This is a huge deal for our church. We are a small church full of people on tight budgets living in overpriced neighborhoods. The very fact that you are willing to support administrative staff is evidence of God's grace in you.

I want to serve you.

I'm aware that so many of you, including Pastor Mike, work countless as volunteers. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity. It humbling to be on staff and I covet your prayers.

I am excited to see God continue His work in and through us this coming year. My responsibilities will focus on serving our leaders and Pastor Eric in particular. I've been asked to help ensure Pastor Eric has the sufficient time and resources to study, teach, lead, care for us, and equip us for ministry.

I believe God is using our church and has shown us great favor. His generosity and sovereignty are on display in this moment in our young church’s history. He is using your giving to equip and support our pastors. I want to glorify Him with you, as together we all lay down our lives for Him.

Pray for me.

I will need God's help. You know that I love you. Thank you for being such a beautiful expression of the body of Christ.