Goodbye Jordan

Jordan shared the following during our Sunday service...

Today I head home to Minnesota. 

I came out to California two years ago to have an adventure, to get uncomfortable, and to learn as much as I could about music. Now I’m returning home now to put it all into practice. I'm excited to return to my family, I'm excited to return to snow (however inadequate you've made me to now endure it), and I'm excited to be writing songs for my second album.

It's hard to say goodbye.

If it wasn’t hard, I probably wouldn't be nearly as grateful as I am at this moment. By God’s grace at work in you, I’ve had it really good in California. Here are just a few ways you've blessed me...

You sing a passionate gospel.

You sing loudly, exuberantly. You sing like you have a reason to sing. You sing and the joy of Christ is written across all of your faces. 

You live a passionate gospel.

I love that this church doesn’t begin when the countdown clock hits zero, and it doesn’t end when the service ends. You’re here hours early, stay late, and when you leave this building to walk out into Old Towne every Sunday to have lunch together. This isn't the norm.

You are eager to serve, eager to equip, eager to see every part of the body working together. You joyfully and humbly raise each other up. You practice hospitality. You welcome strangers in and are generous with your private lives.

I thank God for you.