Posts in Stories
Peter and Rachael's Story

We originally moved here from Washington D.C. for a 3-4 month work assignment. We planned to explore California, complete my work, and return home. However, 3 months became 6. 6 months became 12. And now, 18 months, 2 kids, and 1 incredible church later, we stand before you amazed.

We are humbled and grateful to God.

Our church back in D.C. was an excellent one, and as we began our search for a place to worship during our time in California, our hopes of finding a good church were tempered by the idea that we probably wouldn't find a body we enjoyed quite as much. We could not have been more wrong.

Our experience from day one was like many of yours. The doctrine was sound, the teaching was excellent and gospel-centered, but what knocked our socks off was the honesty with which this church loves people.

Your love for us was immediate and without conditions.

One visit and we had people ready to bring us meals and help us with the birth of our first child. We hadn’t made any commitments to you. We weren't settled on making you our new church. Apparently that didn’t matter. You saw a couple far from family and friends and met our needs.

Since then we have seen you do this over and over and over again. You invest your lives in people with no strings attached. We've learned from the humility with which you serve, often sacrificing for those who are in no position to return the favor. It's caused us to grow closer to Jesus.

Keep doing this.

We’re so grateful to join you in this shared life and ministry.  We want to partner with you and serve with you for Jesus.

Grace Is Going To Grad School

From Grace....

I just wanted to give you all an update about the process of applying/interviewing/picking a PT school. Thank you to those who have kept me in prayer these past few weeks--I felt an incredible amount of support.

God gave me many options for schools....even opportunities for scholarships. The decision-making process was overwhelming. However, ultimately, after considering many factors, speaking to older and wiser family and friends, and praying for wisdom and peace with my decision, I have picked a PT program! 

I will be attending UCSF/SFSU for the next 3 years, and the program begins the first week of June! It hasn't fully hit me yet, but I am already so very excited. I am so grateful for the big and small ways you all have supported me, and I would love continued prayer for focus and a present heart (still have things to do here!), smooth transition, and readiness to jump into a rather intensive first year of grad school. 

StoriesChurch Staff
When A Pastor Calls In Sick

From Pastor Eric...

My whole family stayed home sick with the flu last Sunday, including me. We have never needed to do this and it turned out to be one of the hardest things I've done as a pastor in a long time. Let me tell you why...

  1. We were sick. Really! You don't want what we got.
  2. We missed our friends. It felt like we were missing a party.
  3. We love singing, learning, fellowship, and even the serving. 
  4. I am a proud preacher.

Number 4 made for a weepy pastor on Saturday night. 

I have never needed to tap out. I've always been able to push through and preach. And if not for the help of a little virus, I think I would have missed the lesson from "my" sermon last Sunday.

The disciples asked Jesus about their failed attempt to cast out a demon. “Why could we not cast it out?” And Jesus answered “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” (Mark 9:28-29 ESV)

Thanks you Lucas for preaching and Dustin for leading worship (did you know we had a sick worship leader too?). I love how everyone kept saying "We will be fine. Stay home."  No kidding. That was the easy part.

Ryan Receives His White Coat

Congratulations Ryan!

God plans to use our jobs to bring himself glory and to do good in and through our lives. (The Gospel At Work)

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