Posts in Santa Ana
We Have An Active Church Plant

Sunday nights, 6-8pm

This Sunday marks the second meeting of our first-ever Downtown Santa Ana small group. We are dreaming of a local church like the one we have here in Old Towne Orange. Only Santa Ana.

For now the group is a small group with a dream. The plan is for one group to become many groups, then we'll add worship services and finally make it all official. A sister congregation made up of new people from Santa Ana.

Would you please consider joining this group? We are specifically looking for individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Live in Santa Ana.
  2. Live closer to DTSA than OTO.
  3. Willing to relocate to Santa Ana.
  4. Have a compelling interest in Santa Ana (ex. "I grew up in SA.").

Want to learn more? Fill out an interest form and the Houltons will contact you ASAP.

Ministries, Santa AnaChurch Staff
A Small Group With A Big Dream

Their first meeting.

The Houltons are forming a new small group in Downtown Santa Ana. Sunday nights, 6-8pm. The first meeting was held last Sunday. We are hoping this is the beginning of a new sister church in Santa Ana.

Would you please consider joining this group? We are specifically looking for individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Live in Santa Ana.
  2. Live closer to DTSA than OTO.
  3. Willing to relocate to Santa Ana.
  4. Have a compelling interest in Santa Ana (ex. "I grew up in SA.").

Want to learn more? Fill out an interest form and the Houltons will contact you ASAP.

You Should Join Our Santa Ana Group

A small group with a dream.

The Houltons are forming a new small group in Downtown Santa Ana. Sunday nights, 6-8pm. The first meeting is November 6th. We are hoping this is the beginning of a new sister church in Santa Ana.

Would you please consider joining this group? We are specifically looking for individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Live in Santa Ana.
  2. Live closer to DTSA than OTO.
  3. Willing to relocate to Santa Ana.
  4. Have a compelling interest in Santa Ana (ex. "I grew up in SA.").

Want to learn more? Fill out an interest form and the Houltons will contact you ASAP.

Our New Downtown Santa Ana Small Group

November 6th

Plans are underway to form a new small group in Downtown Santa Ana. The Houltons will be hosting and leading the group. You can read more about them here. They will meet two Sundays per month, 6:00-8:00PM, beginning November 6th.

This group is a group with a dream. It'll begin like every other group does, forming a tight community centered around Christ for everyday Christian living. However, one day we hope this group will play a critical role in establishing a new sister congregation in their neighborhood. For this reason, the group is limited to those who:

  1. Live in Santa Ana.
  2. Live closer to DTSA than OTO.
  3. Willing to relocate to Santa Ana.
  4. Have a compelling interest in Santa Ana (ex. "I grew up in SA.").

If this is you, fill out an interest form and the Houltons will contact you ASAP.

Meet Our Newest Pastoral Resident

This past Sunday we officially welcomed Kyle Houlton as our newest Pastoral Resident. His family relocated here from our sister church in Tucson, Arizona with the hope of joining God in the advance of the gospel in Orange County. We have positioned Kyle to lead a future church plant in Santa Ana.

Kyle shared...

The opportunity for church planting in southern California is staggering. There are more lost Californians than we could together count in a year. People who need Jesus. People who need to hear the Gospel. 

We asked God if we could be a part of bringing the gospel to Southern Californians and discovered you. Sovereign Grace Church of Orange. It has taken 3 years to get here and we couldn't be more excited and grateful. Thank you for your support, your faith, and your example. 

God is doing something in Orange County that’s bigger than us.


The Houltons Move-In Party

Thanks to everyone who came out Tuesday to move-in the Houlton family. Go here to learn more about why they moved to Downtown Santa Ana.

Thank You For Praying for the Houltons!

Kelsey and Kyle are about to move to Orange County. Thank you for praying for their transition.

God provided Kyle with a great job for a church planter.

He is going to work as a manager at Starbucks right in Downtown Santa Ana. It is around the corner from their apartment and it provides enough flexibility to keep looking for more employment. Thank you for praying for this! 

Their move-in date is this Tuesday, 6/28. We are planning to show up at the Artist's Village in Santa Ana at 4pm to help them unload their truck. Check facebook for the details or email Anne

Santa AnaAnne Adam