Our New Downtown Santa Ana Small Group

November 6th

Plans are underway to form a new small group in Downtown Santa Ana. The Houltons will be hosting and leading the group. You can read more about them here. They will meet two Sundays per month, 6:00-8:00PM, beginning November 6th.

This group is a group with a dream. It'll begin like every other group does, forming a tight community centered around Christ for everyday Christian living. However, one day we hope this group will play a critical role in establishing a new sister congregation in their neighborhood. For this reason, the group is limited to those who:

  1. Live in Santa Ana.
  2. Live closer to DTSA than OTO.
  3. Willing to relocate to Santa Ana.
  4. Have a compelling interest in Santa Ana (ex. "I grew up in SA.").

If this is you, fill out an interest form and the Houltons will contact you ASAP.