Posts in Events
Join Our Christmas Eve Choir

Every year we host a Christmas Eve service in the garden at the Woman's Club of Orange. It's always a wonderful moment in our life together as many community members join to hear us sing and celebrate Jesus.

This year, we want to ask you to join our choir.

If you have prior experience in a choir or vocal training and would like to be considered to participate, please fill out the form below.

Church Member Meeting Agenda

We hold 2 regular all-church member meeting per year. One in Fall. One in the Spring. They are designed to equip us to be faithful, fruitful members of our congregation. Last Sunday afternoon we met to discuss many important developments, some of which you will be reading about in the weeks to come. Here was the agenda:

Membership Rolls

Financial Report

Children's Ministry

Santa Ana Church Plant

Southern Baptist Convention

Mike Bullmore Speaks To Us About Preaching

The content and intent of the text.

Nine of our men joined our sister church in Pasadena for a Sunday evening symposium on exegetical preaching with Mike Bullmore. Mike is a gracious friend and council member with The Gospel Coalition.

He called us to commit to preaching sermons controlled by the content and intent of the text. Allow God to do what God wants to do with His words. Why? Because God wants to feed his church.

"And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 8:3)

Events, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
Reflections On The Pastors Conference

We sent some of our best leaders to the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference last month. Here are a few of their reflections...

Roger: The thing that impacted me the most during the conference was a constant realization that God has given to us pastors and leaders who take their call to preach and care for the flock very seriously, and God LOVES to care for these men! The time spent amongst these men of God gave me such a greater appreciation for the sacrifices they make for us week in and week out! Now I know first hand why our pastors say this is by far their favorite conference to go to. It was so good to see and experience God’s grace as He met us during every session. Whether it was a prophetic word spoken by a pastor during worship, a prophetic word sang by Bob Kauflin, or a pastor preaching God’s Word, the grace and sufficiency of Christ was known and felt by everyone!

Jeff: The rich fellowship experienced at the conference continues to resonate with me. It was wonderful to be surrounded by men who care deeply for the things of God and especially to by the men of our church. I was overjoyed to attend and to so quickly be invited into the fellowship of our church leaders and other like-minded young men who are eager for ministry. I will not forget our dinner table discussions, late night talks, or singing along to "All Glory Be To Christ" with tears in my eyes alongside you all.

Omar: One speaker said "We must envision ourselves, sowing seeds till our final breath." When I heard this I felt like a soldier, listening to a general preparing for war. Tears were in my eyes as a conviction grew in my heart. I want to be part of the preaching of the gospel. Sowing, sowing, sowing regardless of my circumstances.

Events, StoriesChurch Staff
Church Member Meeting This Sunday

Members and Regular Attenders

Please plan on attending an important one hour meeting this Sunday, immediately following our service. We hold 2 regular all-church member meeting per year. One in Fall. One in the Spring. They are designed to equip you to be faithful, fruitful members of our congregation.

Bring your lunch or buy some of our world famous Buck-O-Slice pizza. You eat while your leaders speak. We all go home ready for another 6 months of life together.