Posts in Events
Pastor Eric At UCI
Look who is singing Sovereign Grace Music!

Look who is singing Sovereign Grace Music!

Jesus: The true and better Scapegoat

Pastor Eric spoke this past Wednesday evening at Crossroads Campus Ministry on the campus of UCI. They are in a quarter long study on the gospel and he was assigned penal substitutionary atonement.

“God himself gave himself to save us from himself.” - John Stott

Register for Money Management

Once a year we offer a course on the biblical principles of financial stewardship. The classes are conducted in a small group setting, using a discussion format and curriculum adapted from Crown Ministries.

8 classes, every other Tuesday, beginning January 26.

Les and Sue lead the class and you'll find lots of people in the church with testimonies like this one. Materials cost $45 and scholarships are available. The registration deadline is January 17th.

Learn more and register for Money Management here.

Events, MinistriesChurch Staff
Free Lunch This Sunday

Guest Reception

Please join us for a guest luncheon immediately following the service this Sunday. There's no agenda. You can come and go as your schedule allows. Just new friends eating pizza together.

Events, SundaysChurch Staff
Christmas Eve Homily

This evening we celebrate the birth of the greatest man who as ever lived. 

If you are lost, He is the way.

If you are weary, He is rest.

If you are anxious, He is peace.

If you are hurting, He is medicine.


If you are wandering, he is the path.

If you’re addicted, he is freedom.

If you are anxious, He is peace.

If you are broken, He is the cast.


If you are angry, He is a counselor.

If you are alone, He is a friend.

If you are tired, He gives strength.

If you sleep, he will keep watch.


If you are confused, He is the teacher.

If you stumble, he will lift you up.

If you are helpless, He is aid.

If you are depressed, He is hope.


If you are out of control, He is the captain.

If you feel like giving up, He is steadfast.

If you are fearful, He is a harbor.

If you are hungry, He is bread.


If you are unfaithful, He is faithful.

If you are guilty, He is innocent.

If you are a skeptic, He will convince.

If you are ready, he will be everything.


Events, CommunityChurch Staff