Christmas Eve Homily

This evening we celebrate the birth of the greatest man who as ever lived. 

If you are lost, He is the way.

If you are weary, He is rest.

If you are anxious, He is peace.

If you are hurting, He is medicine.


If you are wandering, he is the path.

If you’re addicted, he is freedom.

If you are anxious, He is peace.

If you are broken, He is the cast.


If you are angry, He is a counselor.

If you are alone, He is a friend.

If you are tired, He gives strength.

If you sleep, he will keep watch.


If you are confused, He is the teacher.

If you stumble, he will lift you up.

If you are helpless, He is aid.

If you are depressed, He is hope.


If you are out of control, He is the captain.

If you feel like giving up, He is steadfast.

If you are fearful, He is a harbor.

If you are hungry, He is bread.


If you are unfaithful, He is faithful.

If you are guilty, He is innocent.

If you are a skeptic, He will convince.

If you are ready, he will be everything.


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