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Be Baptized On July 12
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Baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality.

Has God been at work in your life? Have you trusted in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins? Do you want to live for him? If so, you're probably ready to be baptized.

What if I'm not ready?

You might not be. Talk to a pastor. There are reasons to wait...mostly because some isn't sure they are a Christian. However, more often than not people hesitate and miss out on this wonderful part of the Christian life.

Hit the link below and fill out the form. We're doing baptisms during our Sunday Service on July 12, 2015. If you've read to the end of this post, your ready to start talking about your baptism.

Learn more and sign up.

Events, SundaysChurch Staff
I Want To Make More Friends

From Angie...

I have been to a lot of women’s retreats and always have had a wonderful time. Maybe it is because I lived with 4 men (my husband and 3 sons) for so long? I just need girlfriend time. But there's more to it. 

I enjoy getting away to focus on my relationship with the Lord. I also enjoy getting away to focus on the ladies from the church. It’s amazing how much we have in common, even those who I never seem to have time to visit with on a Sunday or church event.

The last retreat I attended.

The last retreat I attended, I went with 2 ladies that I didn’t know very well. It was sponsored by another church. By the end of the retreat, we were all good friends. I was encouraged by their lives and their faith. I learned to appreciate them and their relationship with the Lord as we spent time worshipping, eating, talking, and laughing. I came home refreshed and encouraged and with few new friends.

I want to make more friends.

I am looking forward to our Women’s retreat. As I look around on Sunday mornings there are so many of you that I don't know. I see you and say “hi,” but I haven't ever really spent time with you. And I want to. So please come with me!

Guest Reception This Sunday

Lunch is on us.

If you are a recent guest, first-time attender, just passing through, or have been around a couple weeks but haven't yet been to a guest luncheon, then please be our guest! Join us this Sunday, 06-14-15, immediately following the service, for a luncheon in the Woman's Club Garden.

We'd love to get to know you better.

The format is "come-and-go as you please" and kids are welcome. More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!

Life in Old Town Orange

Check out some of the great stuff happening in our neighborhood. The summer has arrived and it's good to be part of Old Towne Orange.

I Heart Old Towne Orange

In particular, notice the community youth basketball program. A number of families from our church have participated in this league. Same goes for the swimming program at Hart Park.

And then there is the tour for urban chicken keepers. Pastor Eric and his daughter give this one a 2 thumbs up.